About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
29 06, 2016

Yeah I’ve got a gripe

2016-06-29T14:14:54-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on Yeah I’ve got a gripe

The things people do make me shake my head in disbelief Two times recently I was walking across East Broadway at the K street intersection to go into the SBOL office. Both times I was walking within the crosswalk lines. Both times a car stopped on my left, and both times a second driver from behind the first stopped vehicle decided to drive around and then past me, without any concern for my personal safety. I guess they were late for work, busy talking on their phones, or simply too arrogant or inconsiderate to do the right thing and obey the law. I spoke to one of the local merchants who said that trucks and other vehicles are driven much too fast along this section [...]

29 06, 2016

Remembering Donnie Higgins

2016-06-29T14:07:14-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Remembering Donnie Higgins

Memorial street hockey tournament held last weekend Last weekend, June 25 and 26, the Friends of Donnie Higgins Committee held their annual memorial street hockey tournament and family fun event behind the DCR Murphy Rink in South Boston. The street hockey tournament, which was played in the Donnie Higgins Memorial Street Hockey Arena, featured two Mighty Mite teams, teams, six Mite and Squirt-age teams, as well as six Pee Wee and Bantam-age teams that competed in a double elimination tournament. All the food, hot dogs and burgers, was generously donated by Sullivan’s. In the adjacent tennis courts, youngsters were also treated to popcorn and cotton candy while they played a variety of games. And, there was a dunk tank for the older kids and adults. [...]

29 06, 2016

Celebrating the Fourth of July

2016-06-29T15:38:06-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Celebrating the Fourth of July

On the Fourth of July we celebrate the birth of our nation, a democratic nation dedicated to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We celebrate the birth of a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people, dedicated to serving the people and not the state. We celebrate Freedom. On this holiday during the last few years, I have reflected upon how fortunate we are. This year will be no exception because tyranny did not die when the American rebels successfully repelled England. We take for granted many simple activities because we have had our freedom to do so. We assume and declare Freedom as an unalienable right, but this is not the case elsewhere. Millions of people throughout the world [...]

29 06, 2016

Work Hard. Play Harder.

2016-06-29T13:36:27-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Sports|Tags: |Comments Off on Work Hard. Play Harder.

June 27, 2016 (South Boston, MA) “Red Bull up!”  This is not a phrase you would ordinarily hear spoken to excite a group of 11 year old softball players, but Richie Mallard was anything but ordinary.  A dedicated coach and volunteer for the South Boston Girls’ Softball League (SBGSL), a loving father, and a dear friend, Richie touched the lives of each and every player he coached throughout his career.   His story is one of passion and devotion.   Richie Mallard was a South Boston native known for his skills in the boxing ring and his incredible mentorship to young members of South Boston and the neighboring communities.  A New England Diamond Belt and Junior Olympic Boxing Champion, Richie was no stranger to achievement.  He [...]

23 06, 2016

Tynan Hoop League Champs

2016-06-23T10:37:04-04:00June 23rd, 2016|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Tynan Hoop League Champs

Tynan Magic defeats the Tynan Warriors to win youth hoop league On Friday, June 17, at the Tynan Community Center gymnasium, the Tynan Magic defeated the Tynan Warriors, 18-15, to capture the Under 12 co-ed instructional basketball league which was sponsored by the South Boston Community Development Foundation. SBOL’s playoff “MVP” was Michael “Noon-dog” Noonan. The defensive player of the league was Cailyn Noonan, the best behaved player was Dimitri “Mimi” Markos, the unsung hero was Mullen Byrne, and the most improved player was Keith Splaine. The main goal of this league was to give inexperienced hoop enthusiasts a basic understanding of the sport in actual game situations. This league was helpful because overall the players improved from the beginning to the end of the [...]

23 06, 2016

Introducing Brayden Buckley

2016-06-23T10:33:15-04:00June 23rd, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Introducing Brayden Buckley

He’s a happy, young boy who keeps busy in school and in the world of sports. His name is Brayden Buckley. Brayden, 7, is the son of Taylor Buckley. His grandparents are Jane and Tim Buckley. He’s in the first grade at the Oliver Hazard Perry K-8 School located on East Seventh Street in South Boston. The school’s mission is to allow students to develop critical thinking skills to facilitate their future educational endeavors. Brayden is an Honor Roll caliber student, loves math, and someday hopes to play in the NBA. His favorite color is white and his favorite foods are pizza and corn. His favorite TV show is “Alvin and the Chipmunks.” His favorite NBA player is Golden State Warriors star guard and reigning [...]

23 06, 2016

The South Boston Hall of Fame Scholarship Winners

2016-06-23T10:28:50-04:00June 23rd, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on The South Boston Hall of Fame Scholarship Winners

2016 Scholarship Grant Winners The South Boston Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund board of trustees announced the scholarship grant awardees for 2016, the 22nd year of our successful program. Due to the outstanding support from South Boston Hall of Fame members, business and fraternal groups, educational foundations, friends of the South Boston community and the success of our annual “Bob Nichols Memorial Golf Tournament”, the “Board” approved eleven (11) two thousand dollar ($2000.00) grants for 2016. One of the grants was funded by the Massachusetts Port Authority Charitable Giving Program, one by the “L” Street Brownies, one by the Folan Waterproofing and Construction Co. of South Easton in memory of deceased members of the Folan and Feeney families, one by Sona Nichols in [...]

23 06, 2016

Medicine Wheel at 25

2016-06-23T10:02:24-04:00June 23rd, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on Medicine Wheel at 25

By any measure, reaching 25 years of constant, continuous service to a community is a real milestone, in the best sense of that metaphorical word.  Well, South Boston’s Medicine Wheel Productions, which started up in 1991, has done just that.  Medicine Wheel was always a team effort, of course, but as you know, its founder and “Chief Energizer” was (and is) Michael Dowling. Just consider a few Medicine Wheel accomplishments.  There’s an annual observance of AIDS Day on December 1, which attracts citywide attention.  The next time you walk through the national Park on Dorchester Heights, take a brief tour through the nearby, one-acre, crescent shaped mini-park known locally as No Man’s Land.  Think about emplacing an engraved brick along the path to commemorate someone [...]

23 06, 2016

VSA Festival Celebrates “COOL Ways to Play”

2016-06-23T09:50:09-04:00June 23rd, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on VSA Festival Celebrates “COOL Ways to Play”

South Boston is known for its celebrations.  We call them “Southie times”; they celebrate many, many notable happenings - achievements, community awards, successful fundraising, lives well spent, and so on.  On June 9, about 80 young students in Grades K, 1st, and 2nd from the Condon School on D Street joined with their counterparts from the Ellison Parks and Pappas Rehab Schools at a celebration called the “COOL Ways to Play” Festival.  This Festival was held in the Children’s Museum by South Boston’s Fort Point Channel on Congress Street.  What better place for a young peoples’ Festival?  And the weather was perfect. VSA Massachusetts was the 2016 “COOL Ways to Play” Festival sponsor.  VSA (does that stand for “Very Special Arts”?) is a Boston-based organization [...]

23 06, 2016

Honorees announced for Open Hearts, Open Homes Gala to benefit the Gavin Foundation Charities

2016-06-23T09:33:24-04:00June 23rd, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Honorees announced for Open Hearts, Open Homes Gala to benefit the Gavin Foundation Charities

Who: Congressman Stephen Lynch, a long-time supporter of the Gavin Foundation, and the leadership and members of the Sprinkler Fitters and Apprentices Local Union 550.   Congressman Stephen Lynch will be honored as Man of the Year for his work for the Gavin Foundation and his support for the recovery community.  Congressman lynch was instrumental in the establishment of the Gavin Foundation’s residential treatment program for adolescents; the Cushing House for Boys and Girls.   “Congressman Lynch was a natural choice as our Man of the Year.  His dedication to providing addiction treatment services is inspiring and reflects his deep belief in giving individuals a second chance.  His support of our mission has affected the lives of thousands of individuals we serve.  The Gavin Foundation [...]

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