About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
16 06, 2016

Grand Opening: 100 Northern Avenue

2016-06-16T11:39:55-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: Real Estate|Comments Off on Grand Opening: 100 Northern Avenue

Last week, on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, lithe, athletic figures could be seen on the ends of long lanyards over the South Boston Waterfront.  They pirouetted, swung outward in widening loops, and generally capered to and fro over their reflections on the black glass façade of developer Joseph Fallon’s 100 Northern Avenue building.  It was the world renowned vertical dance troupe, “BANDALOOP”, who were preparing for the building’s Grand Opening on Thursday, June 9. It was 48 hours before the formal Grand Opening of 100 Northern Avenue on Thursday, June 9, at 5 p.m.   Figures scurried back and forth, erecting a reception tent, placing chairs for the invited guests, and discussing last-minute touches to the 100 Northern Avenue interior.  Fallon’s latest building is sited on [...]

16 06, 2016

Collaborative’s 2016 Awards Night

2016-06-16T11:29:48-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: Lifestyle, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Collaborative’s 2016 Awards Night

   The South Boston Collaborative Center has always held its Annual Spring Fundraiser indoors.  The 2016 event, which includes both the Joe Walsh “Community Service” and the Jack Leary “Compassionate Warrior” Awards, saw a change in venue.  Last Thursday evening, June 9, the Collaborative held their Awards night out of doors by the bandstand in Marine/Farragut Park.  From 6 till 9 p.m., Mother Nature smiled and withheld her imminent threat of rain. The Collaborative’s Awards night is always a joyous occasion.  It is devoted to those two outstanding individuals who have made a real contribution on our fight against drug abuse and all kinds of addiction over the previous 12 months.  With the heroin plague that is doing so much damage, you don’t have to [...]

16 06, 2016

“Fright Island” in the Fort? Online Is Opposed!

2016-06-16T11:11:38-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on “Fright Island” in the Fort? Online Is Opposed!

   As one of its agenda items, the CPNA (City Point Neighborhood Association) hosted Matthew DiRoberto at its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, June 14. DiRoberto is from Boston; he heads up a partnership between Immersive Productions and Egan Productions of Fright Dome Las Vegas.  At the CPNA meeting, he presented a proposal to put on an immersive, interactive evening event called “Fright Island”.  “Fright Island” will be located on the grassy parade ground inside Fort Independence.  It will be a for-profit, ticketed event.  DiRoberto said that this event will not interfere in any way with existing operations of the Fort and the CIA (Castle Island Association). Since no specific, formal contract for “Fright Island” in the Fort has been negotiated, some of the [...]

16 06, 2016

Peter Damon, Veteran and Artist, Speaks at SBAA Meeting

2016-06-16T10:49:03-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Peter Damon, Veteran and Artist, Speaks at SBAA Meeting

  Peter Damon described his journey to become a professional artist, when he spoke to the Saturday morning, June 11, meeting of the SBAA (the South Boston Arts Association). Peter was born and brought up in Brockton.  He said he was a hard worker, who loved to work with his hands.  He mentioned that he dropped out of high school.  He then signed up with the Massachusetts Guard.  After being activated, he was trained as a helicopter mechanic and sent to Iraq.  An explosion over there took both of his arms – the right one above its elbow; the left, below the elbow.  And his buddy was killed. He had to undergo years of surgery, rehabilitation, and practice with his prosthetic left arm.  Peter had [...]

15 06, 2016

South Boston Babe Ruth League

2016-06-15T15:19:59-04:00June 15th, 2016|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on South Boston Babe Ruth League

Local Players Enjoying Another Season Of Baseball Pictured at Moakley Park is the John Hart/Massport Babe Ruth Club managed by William Fitzgerald, Mike Tallent, and Dave King. The players are: Tadhg Kyne, Morgan Curtis, Joey Maiullari, Kiebel Lugo, Benny Baez, Kyle Murphy, Harry Cully, Jonathan Walsh, Peter Welch, Mike Kenneally, Andrew Hally, Chris Fitzgerald, James Arlauskas, Kevin Watts, Dylan Murtagh, Nick Vadala, Adam Alto, Sean Loftus, and Pat Arlauskas (not all players pictured).   The South Boston Babe Ruth League is in full swing as the boys of summer have taken to the mound. The 2016 summer edition features three house league teams from South Boston, two South Boston travel teams, and two house league teams from Savin Hill. The two travel squads [...]

15 06, 2016

Southie Hoop Notes: BNBL Around the Corner

2016-06-15T15:19:43-04:00June 15th, 2016|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on Southie Hoop Notes: BNBL Around the Corner

  Tynan Youth League In Playoff Mode Summer is fast approaching and the youngsters will be out of school and ready to have fun. For those who love playing summer basketball, it also means participating in the Boston Neighborhood Basketball League (BNBL) which begins in early July. Mayor Martin Walsh, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, and the Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF) have announced that registration is open for the 47th annual BNBL season which begins on Tuesday, July 5. The BNBL is the oldest municipal basketball league in the country and is open to both girls and boys. This league features a Pee Wee instructional league, ages 6 through 11, a 13 and under, a 15 and under, and an 18 [...]

15 06, 2016

Acknowledging Roger Spring

2016-06-15T15:19:23-04:00June 15th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle, News, Sports|Comments Off on Acknowledging Roger Spring

On a monthly basis, the South Boston Neighborhood House, aka the Ollie, recognizes their youngsters by announcing two “Student Spotlight” winners. These young members are spotlighted for their good behavior, being kind, caring and considerate, being good students, as well as just being super kids overall. Roger Spring is one of the Ollie spotlight winners for May. Roger Spring, 11, is the son of Diana Jerzylo. He has two cats named Fuzzball and Oddball, and a snake named Craig. He’s in the fifth grade at the Condon Elementary School, his favorite subject is math, and someday he plans on being an architectural engineer. His favorite color is purple, he loves fried chicken and his favorite place in the world is Hawaii. And finally, his favorite [...]

3 06, 2016

SBCA Mock Trial

2016-06-03T13:51:24-04:00June 3rd, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on SBCA Mock Trial

Grade 6 students from South Boston Catholic Academy participated in a 'mock trail' (The State of Washington vs Marty Witch) at the South Boston Court House on Friday May 13th, in celebration of Law Day. The trial was presided over by 6th grade student Molly Keenan under the direction of Hon. Micheal C. Bolden, First Justice. The students received an interactive lesson on our justice system by participating in the mock trial as prosecution and defense attorneys, jurists and witnesses. Court personnel explained their role in the justice system and instructed the students on expected court behavior and protocol. Photos by Karen Dever's. South Boston Catholic Academy (www.sbcatholicacademy.org) is currently accepting applications for all classes PreSchool-Grade 6. Please contact: Mrs. Barbara Keohane with any questions [...]

3 06, 2016

Four Happy Youngsters

2016-06-03T13:51:05-04:00June 3rd, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on Four Happy Youngsters

They’re all smiles outside the Tierney Center Melvon Crump, Jayleen Perez, David Tito, and Justin McKelvert love living in South Boston and enjoy hanging out at the Joseph M. Learning Center after school. All four attend the Paul A. Dever Elementary School which is located on Mount Vernon Street in Dorchester. The Dever School serves families from diverse cultural, economic, and linguistic backgrounds. The Dever staff believes that all their students “deserve access to a world-class education that will allow them to excel in college, careers, and beyond.” At home, these four wonderful youngsters enjoy playing video games and watching TV. Their favorite TV programs are “SpongeBob SquarePants”, “Spiderman”, and “WWE Wrestling.” They love eating a variety of food, including chicken and pizza. And, their [...]

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