Blog Medium Image2012-08-08T02:54:23-04:00

Parking for the Public Good

The growth of real estate development along the main thoroughfare of South Boston has been enormous in the past ten years. We at South Boston Online have noticed all the new restaurants, boutiques, and dense new residential housing that has been added along Broadway, and simultaneously-the addition of more cars. In a crisis of unending tickets and triple parking, local [...]

By |April 4th, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Parking for the Public Good

ACES: Educators Present on Child Abuse

By Richard Campbell One of the more complex and widespread problems in today’s educational environment is how to educate students who are dealing with Adverse Child Experiences, commonly called ACEs. With the ASCD Conference emphasis upon educating the whole child, a group of educators from South Central Pennsylvania came prepared to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center with an in-depth [...]

By |April 4th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on ACES: Educators Present on Child Abuse

ASCD Conference: Educating the Whole Child

Cameraman catches the action at ASCD by Richard Campbell The ASCD held their annual conference called “Empower 18” at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center this past week, hosting thousands of educators from around the nation. Celebrating its seventy-fifth year, the organization has a multi-tiered mission to aid in the professional development of educators, promote curriculum development, healthy [...]

By |March 28th, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on ASCD Conference: Educating the Whole Child

“Misremembered” A Must-See

“Transposition 3” in cast lead crystal glass, by Katie Dye. by Rick Winterson Just the word “Misremembered”, the name of the current exhibition at the FPAC Gallery begs one to drop in for a viewing. “FPAC” stands for Fort Point Arts Community. Their Gallery is at 300 Summer Street, lower level; viewing hours are TUE-FRI, 11 a.m. to [...]

By |March 28th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on “Misremembered” A Must-See

When Science Touches Everything Else: A Brief Tribute to Stephen Hawking

By Richard Campbell It was inevitable that when Stephen Hawking looked up into the sky that he would see things very differently than you or I, but it was not a forgone conclusion that he would spread his philosophy of science around the globe, and become a household name before passing away. I cannot, (like most people), pretend to understand [...]

By |March 28th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on When Science Touches Everything Else: A Brief Tribute to Stephen Hawking

ACES: Educators Present on Child Abuse

By Richard Campbell One of the more complex and widespread problems in today’s educational environment is how to educate students who are dealing with Adverse Child Experiences, commonly called ACEs. With the ASCD Conference emphasis upon educating the whole child, a group of educators from South Central Pennsylvania came prepared to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center with an in-depth [...]

By |March 28th, 2018|Categories: Education|Comments Off on ACES: Educators Present on Child Abuse
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