15 06, 2018

Summer Take-Aways at the Boston Nutrition 2018 Conference

2018-06-15T10:16:58-04:00June 15th, 2018|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Summer Take-Aways at the Boston Nutrition 2018 Conference

By Richard Campbell The Nutrition 2018 Conference ran this past week June 9th to 12th at the Hynes Convention Center gathering nutrition professionals from New England and around the nation.  The big take-aways were the effect of good nutrition on child development, and the continuing evaluation of the role the microbiome plays in health of individuals. Not surprisingly what your mother probably told you: “Eat your broccoli, it’s good for you.” Or “No, we don’t have any cookies, have a piece of fruit instead,” turn out to be advice that mounds of research prove to be the best in the world. Because this conference was filled with technical information, I present some highlights in the form of summer nutrition guidelines. This conference included more than [...]

8 03, 2018

Cooper Hewitt National Design Awards Presented at Innovation Center

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00March 8th, 2018|Categories: Business, Happenings|Comments Off on Cooper Hewitt National Design Awards Presented at Innovation Center

By Richard Campbell In celebrating the East Coast Design leg of the National Design Awards, the Cooper Hewitt Museum came to Boston to put on a lively forum by design award winners. The Mistress of ceremonies Caroline Baumann, Director of Cooper Hewitt, introduced the National Design awards as the Oscars of the design world. With sponsorship from Delta Faucet and Target, the cities that were chosen for special focus in this year’s awards were DC, San Francisco and Boston. Ms. Baumann, who hails from Winchester, MA called Boston “A nexus of technology and design.” Deborah Berke was the winner of the Interior Design award, who founded her own firm, and is the Dean of the Yale School of Architecture. Architect Alan Ricks, Cofounder and COO [...]

14 02, 2018

Boston Globe Travel Show Shines Light On Warm Climes

2018-02-14T15:20:12-05:00February 14th, 2018|Categories: Business, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Boston Globe Travel Show Shines Light On Warm Climes

By Richard Campbell It is approaching the middle of February when Bostonians are so ready to travel somewhere warm. In the spirit of advancing anyone’s odds of escaping the cold, dark, and wet, South Boston Online stepped in to see the Boston Globe Travel Show at the old Seaport World Trade Center exhibit hall that ran this weekend, February 9-11. My focus here is upon warm places- you know those areas in the world that have green grass, sunshine, beaches, and a more carefree life. Some of these ideas are for quick getaways, and others are for more serious travelers. As many South Bostonians have probably observed, the Norwegian Cruise Line routinely docks at our pier, to cruise locals from Boston to the Caribbean, Mexico, [...]

14 02, 2018

Ribbon Cut at Gavin Quincy ATS/CSS

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00February 14th, 2018|Categories: Business, Happenings, News|Comments Off on Ribbon Cut at Gavin Quincy ATS/CSS

by Rick Winterson South Boston’s Gavin Foundation has been in the forefront of the war (yes, it’s a war) against the ongoing opioid crisis, as well as providing a full spectrum of services that deal with addiction, recovery, and substance abuse. The Foundation has 14 key programs, facilities, and activities, which are centered in South Boston but range over the City of Boston and down into Quincy. The Gavin’s Quincy operation is a 64-bed, state-of-the-art, rehabilitation facility that provides medically managed services – comprehensive treatment from caring, licensed professionals. It was established in 2015; it was initially a partnership with the Phoenix House. Late last year, in December, the Gavin Foundation took full ownership of the Quincy facility. It is now called “Gavin Foundation Quincy [...]

14 06, 2017

Shred It at Mass Bay

2018-11-27T13:06:36-05:00June 14th, 2017|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Shred It at Mass Bay

by Rick Winterson Last Saturday, Mass Bay Credit Union held what they called a “Shred It Event”. It was an event for bringing your confidential and/or personal papers to their parking lot, located at 147 West Fourth Street, to get them professionally shredded and disposed of. Mass Bay called in a professional outfit named “Shred-It”, which not only shreds your documents but also recycles the paper shreds. In other words, shredding is both “green” and good for the environment. In this day of instantaneous global communications and sharply increasing identity theft, it is certainly advisable to carefully protect your own documents. With professional shredding and recycling, your documents are not only safe, they no longer exist at all. Keep that in mind. Mass Bay offers [...]

1 06, 2017

Andrew Square Station: Ready for a Reboot!

2017-07-20T16:56:12-04:00June 1st, 2017|Categories: Business, Featured, News|Comments Off on Andrew Square Station: Ready for a Reboot!

By Richard Campbell One T worker told me: “the wheel that squeaks gets the grease.”  Well, now I’m squeaking.  Riders of the MBTA may have noticed a number of station upgrades: some quite extravagant, others very long running.  I believe it is our turn. As any rider of the MBTA knows there is considerable inequality of care across stations of the transit system.  For if you are in the tonier neighborhoods, let’s use Arlington street stop in Back Bay as an example, your station will be manicured very carefully so as not to offend the high end clientele.  But when you reach certain less desirable neighborhoods, well the condition and cleanliness can take a plunge. Shouldn’t there be consistent standards? Riders may also notice the [...]

8 03, 2017

OutVets Denied Participation in 2017 Parade

2017-03-08T17:06:14-05:00March 8th, 2017|Categories: Business, News|Comments Off on OutVets Denied Participation in 2017 Parade

by Rick Winterson You have likely heard that some individuals have changed their minds, and have canceled their commitments to take part in the 2017 St. Patrick’s/Evacuation Day Parade on March 19. Their reason for boycotting the 2017 Parade was the decision by the South Boston Allied War Veterans Council not to let the OutVets group join the Parade this year. Members of the Allied War Veterans stated that the OutVets group submitted their Parade application late. The deadline is February 15; the OutVets themselves submitted their application on time last year and were admitted to the 2016 Parade. This year, the OutVets Parade application arrived late in February; in addition, there had been some violations of Parade rules in the past two Parades. At [...]

13 10, 2016

GE Launches “Brilliant Career Labs” at Excel High

2016-10-13T11:47:27-04:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured, News|Comments Off on GE Launches “Brilliant Career Labs” at Excel High

by Rick Winterson   General Electric has been making a multi-pronged effort to become part of the Boston community, with special emphasis on South Boston, where its new headquarters facility will be sited.  Following the successful launch of “STEM Week” at the Perry School on Monday, October 3 (see Online’s  October 6 issue, page four), GE and the City of Boston have since launched the “Brilliant Career Labs”.  The date was Thursday afternoon, October 6, at 3:30; the location was Excel High School – more often still called “the High School” by local residents. The GE Brilliant Career Lab is one of the key commitments the GE Foundation has made to the students and teachers in the Boston Public School (BPS) system.  It will be [...]

4 08, 2016

General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project Begins

2016-08-04T09:17:19-04:00August 4th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured, Real Estate|Tags: |Comments Off on General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project Begins

You have no doubt heard about the General Electric (GE) Company’s plans to relocate its Corporate Head­quarters from Connecticut to South Boston’s Fort Point District. Specifi­cally, GE’s new Headquarters will be sited on the South Boston side of the Fort Point Channel, and will utilize two existing, renovated brick ware­houses at 5-6 Necco Way (Yes, that’s “NECCO”, as in those ever-popular NECCO Wafers produced by the New England Confectionary Co.). GE will lease a block of land from Procter and Gamble’s wholly-owned Gillette subsidiary, which is also located along the Fort Point Chan­nel. Renovations of the existing brick warehouses will begin as soon as pos­sible; ground will be broken for the main Headquarters Building early in 2017, pending granting of all the necessary permits. Completion [...]

28 07, 2016

A Birthday “Friendraiser”

2016-07-28T12:51:50-04:00July 28th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured|Tags: |Comments Off on A Birthday “Friendraiser”

Kathleen “Kathy” Bitetti is a multi-talented local artist, consultant, and curator. She has lived in South Boston for 20 years, pursuing numerous cultural interests that include public works of art, two of which are being created here in South Boston as you are reading this. Last weekend, true to her devotion to public art, Kathy combined a “Friendraiser” with her birthday brunch (Kathy is forever 29). Now, a “Friendraiser” is a means of generating contributions on a small, intimate scale. About 20 of Kathy’s friends gathered at her place to assist with funding the two works of art mentioned above. Such works of art are sometimes called “installations”. A better term might be “site specific art work”, because these creations are meant to “interact” in [...]

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