27 04, 2016

Dew Luxe opens on West Broadway

2016-04-27T14:10:00-04:00April 27th, 2016|Categories: Business|Tags: |Comments Off on Dew Luxe opens on West Broadway

Michaela Bavis welcomes you to Dew Luxe’s new location at 376 West Broadway, which she opened last weekend. The Best-of-Boston Dew Luxe is situated between E and F Street, next to the Lith Club on the left and the new Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation on the right. West Broadway has come alive again! The offerings at Dew Luxe are quite eclectic, so there really are two excellent reasons to make it a destination shop of your own: First, to get a good, general look at all that the newly spacious Dew Luxe offers; second (and more specifically) to go leather – shoes, handbags, and even elegant pet accessories. -Rick Winterson

20 04, 2016

With some community support, Murphy’s Jewelry relocates

2016-04-21T10:42:53-04:00April 20th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on With some community support, Murphy’s Jewelry relocates

By SUSAN DOUCET For decades, Billy Cosetta has been helping members of the community. If a set of rosary beads needs repair, Cosetta, the owner of Murphy’s Jewelry, fixes them at no charge. This winter, when Cosetta found out he was being evicted from the East Broadway storefront where Murphy’s has long been located, the community rallied around the small business owner who has shown generosity. His daughters set up an online fundraising campaign to help finance his relocation. More than $15,000 was raised in two months. “I wouldn’t have been able to move without it,” Cosetta said of the community’s fundraising efforts. Murphy’s Jewelry is now in a new building on West First Street. The development – condos with commercial space on the ground [...]

20 04, 2016

Springtime shoppers stroll along Broadway

2016-04-20T14:42:49-04:00April 20th, 2016|Categories: Business|Tags: |Comments Off on Springtime shoppers stroll along Broadway

By RICK WINTERSON The Spring Stroll has become another South Boston tradition. It is centered upon the merchants, enterprises and purveyors of refreshments along Broadway. But as you’ll recall, South Boston Online focused the lead article in our April 7 issue on residential developments along West Broadway. Well, the rapid development of shops and businesses along West Broadway is equally astonishing, so we are focusing on that in this issue. New businesses range from the South Boston Arts Association’s (the SBAA’s) charming new “Around the Corner” Gallery to a major opening last Thursday: the Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation.  Check out their “core values” prominently displayed just inside their door. The SBAA Gallery is just around the corner from Neatly Nested, a design and furnishings shop [...]

13 04, 2016

‘In the Eye of the Beholder:’ Creative fashions at Midway Studios

2016-04-13T14:31:13-04:00April 13th, 2016|Categories: Business|Tags: |Comments Off on ‘In the Eye of the Beholder:’ Creative fashions at Midway Studios

By RICK WINTERSON It is an eclectic exhibition entitled “In the Eye of the Beholder” that opened at Midway Studios (15 Channel Center in South Boston’s Fort Point neighborhood) last week. There are colorful abstracts, collages and wall installations, all of them worth a more-than-passing glance. But the most striking part of the overall displays is the uniquely designed fashions – both practical and, well, a bit impractical (to select a word). These wearable fashions – true works of art ¬– reminded one of the larger and heavily advertised (but no more striking) exhibition of fashion, “#techstyle,” now being shown at the Museum of Fine Arts. (The MFA’s exhibit opened last month and runs through mid-July.) The message here is for you to take a pleasant [...]

6 04, 2016

South Boston resident opens Castle Island Brewing Company

2016-04-06T15:36:14-04:00April 6th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured|Tags: |Comments Off on South Boston resident opens Castle Island Brewing Company

By SUSAN DOUCET In 2009, Adam Romanow was brewing small batches of beer on top of his kitchen stove in South Boston. Now, he has 20,000 square feet where he can brew thousands of gallons of beer a day. Castle Island Brewing Company, born in South Boston, opened in Norwood this winter under Romanow, the founder and president, and a staff that is half South Boston residents or former residents. “It’s been a whirlwind, honestly,” he said Thursday afternoon, holding a sample of Jetty, a dry hop sour ale that had just been released that day. The brewery began brewing beer around Thanksgiving, opened Dec. 11, and started shipping beer the first week in January. The brewing company has large quantities of two beers – [...]

6 04, 2016

Gourmands gather for the 14th annual Taste of South Boston

2016-04-06T15:22:53-04:00April 6th, 2016|Categories: Business|Comments Off on Gourmands gather for the 14th annual Taste of South Boston

By RICK WINTERSON Perhaps as many as 400 honored guests – all of them gourmands – showed up at Sunday’s 14th Annual Taste of South Boston, which benefits the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation. Taste was held, as usual, in the Plaza Ballroom at the Seaport Hotel. Advance ticket sales amounted to more than 260; a number more showed up at the door to buy more tickets. The festivities lasted from 6 to 9 p.m. Twenty-nine restaurants and vendors provided food and drink galore. It bordered on the impossible to make one’s way to every establishment’s table and consume the generous samples of their wares.  Perhaps special mention should be made of Lucky’s Lounge, who came up with musical entertainment by pianist Ron Poster and his [...]

6 04, 2016

Youth Ambassadors fundraise for trip to Detroit

2016-04-06T15:14:22-04:00April 6th, 2016|Categories: Business, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Youth Ambassadors fundraise for trip to Detroit

Did you know that South Boston’s Youth Ambassadors give up their spring break to assist other parts of America in their recovery from natural disasters? They have been to Mississippi, New Orleans and New York. This month, they are going to Detroit. The photo shows a few of the guests at the Youth Ambassadors’ final fundraiser at Lincoln, which completed their efforts to raise money for their hard-working, goodwill trip in a couple of weeks. –Rick Winterson

6 04, 2016

April opening for Roza Lyons

2016-04-06T15:12:56-04:00April 6th, 2016|Categories: Business|Tags: |Comments Off on April opening for Roza Lyons

A new logo for Roza Lyons has been placed on the signage at 709 East Broadway. It’s punctuated with a line drawing combining a white rose with a lion en passant sinistre. The white rose could symbolize the English House of York, except that “Roza” is the Polish spelling of “rose.” And even though lions are symbols of the English monarchy, Lyon is the name a major city located on the Rhone River in France. Go figure. Roza Lyons is where the Urban Art Bar used to be (it’s now in Brookline). Roza Lyons will be a new restaurant and bar. Its website, which is still limited in details, describes Roza Lyons as “a great restaurant and bar featuring an excellent selection of craft beer [...]

30 03, 2016

Honoring Amy Lord: Self-defense workshop to raise funds for Amy’s Sparkle Park

2016-03-30T14:54:29-04:00March 30th, 2016|Categories: Business, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Honoring Amy Lord: Self-defense workshop to raise funds for Amy’s Sparkle Park

By SUSAN DOUCET When the true crime special featuring Amy Lord aired last month, it reinvigorated Andrea Regan’s feeling that she should do something to honor the 24-year-old South Boston woman who was murdered in 2013. The television special generated buzz in the community, Regan, the owner of East Side Yoga & Fitness, said. But amidst the buzz, Regan realized that some people who had moved to South Boston in the last couple of years did not know about Lord. “So many new people moved to South Boston,” Regan said. “It just kind of bothered me that no one knew the story.” This weekend, Regan and her husband, Tom Regan, are organizing a self-defense workshop honoring Lord, a way to generate funds for a park [...]

30 03, 2016

Sample old and new favorites at 14th annual Taste of South Boston

2016-03-30T14:49:51-04:00March 30th, 2016|Categories: Business|Tags: |Comments Off on Sample old and new favorites at 14th annual Taste of South Boston

The 14th annual Taste of South Boston is Sunday, April 3, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Seaport Hotel in the Plaza Ballroom. There’s no better way to become familiar with the spectrum of dining experiences offered by (and in) South Boston. There’ll be wine and beer tasting, raffles, silent auction and live entertainment. By RICK WINTERSON Possibly you are a newcomer to South Boston: Welcome. South Boston Online has a friendly suggestion to help you get acquainted with the array of eating adventures Southie has in store for you. Equally as possible, you have lived here a long time – maybe all your life – and you’d like to sample the cuisine of Lower Broadway’s establishments, or those new places along our rapidly [...]

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