24 03, 2016

GE announces Fort Point property for its headquarters

2016-03-24T12:39:35-04:00March 24th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on GE announces Fort Point property for its headquarters

By SOUTH BOSTON ONLINE STAFF General Electric is moving to Fort Point. GE announced the new location of its headquarters in a statement Thursday. The company will move to Necco Street, near Fort Point Channel and Summer Street. “The property is under agreement to be purchased from P&G and sits at the edge of its 44 acre South Boston campus—at 5 and 6 Necco Way, representing roughly 2.5 acres,” reads the statement. GE, currently based in Connecticut, first announced in January that it had chosen Boston as the location for its new headquarters. At that time, GE said it was looking at properties in South Boston. “South Boston is a major hub for innovation and development and GE is excited to be a part of [...]

16 03, 2016

14th annual Taste of South Boston is April 3

2016-03-16T16:48:22-04:00March 16th, 2016|Categories: Business, Happenings|Comments Off on 14th annual Taste of South Boston is April 3

The South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation (South Boston NDC) will hold its 14th annual Taste of South Boston on Sunday, April 3, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Seaport Hotel. This event has become one of the city’s premier food events, enjoyed by 500 attendees. For an entrance fee of $50 in advance ($60 at the door), attendees can sample food and beverage offerings from 30 local restaurants while enjoying live jazz music and bidding on outstanding silent auction items and raffles. This year’s event boasts a large number of participating restaurants, from the traditional South Boston neighborhood, the South Boston Waterfront and the Fort Point areas, including newcomers: Committee, Coppersmith, the Maiden, Moonshine 152, Outlook Kitchen and Bar, the Spirit of Boston, and [...]

16 03, 2016

Cranberry Cafe celebrates 20 years

2016-03-16T14:10:45-04:00March 16th, 2016|Categories: Business|Tags: |Comments Off on Cranberry Cafe celebrates 20 years

Cranberry Cafe turned 20 last Friday, March 11. This thriving, bustling cafe has been serving breakfast, lunches, and as its name implies, coffee - coffee, after Araban coffee. Cathe Walsh founded, owns and continues to operate Cranberry Café at 704 East Broadway. She’s shown above at the cafe’s counter, which is adorned by a Certificate of Recognition from City Hall and Mayor Martin J. Walsh. Cathe intentionally designed Cranberry Cafe to provide an intimate interior inside an instantly recognizable neighborhood landmark. Who knows what pleasant surprises you’ll find in the future, now that Cranberry Café has successfully passed through its adolescent years? -Rick Winterson

2 03, 2016

Charlie’s Sandwich Shoppe reopens

2016-03-02T15:36:49-05:00March 2nd, 2016|Categories: Business|Comments Off on Charlie’s Sandwich Shoppe reopens

Two good friends and political opponents, former Boston Mayor Ray Flynn and State Representative Mel King, cut the ribbon to reopen the historic landmark sandwich shoppe, Charlie’s Sandwich Shoppe in the South End. Gov. Charlie Baker and Mayor Marty Walsh, were joined by State Representatives Byron Rushing and Aaron Michlewitz, Boston City Council President Michele Wu, and Councilors Bill Linehan and Michael Flaherty. A lot of Boston history was discussed at Charlie’s on Wednesday. The new owner is Evan Deluty of Boston. Martin Luther King, Jr., Joe Louis, President Obama, Sammy Davis Jr., Lionel Hampton, plus most of African-America’s famous musicians, athletes and scholars hung out at Charlie’s at one time or another. -Ray Flynn

2 03, 2016

“New Color Messages” opens at 555 Gallery

2016-03-02T15:00:40-05:00March 2nd, 2016|Categories: Business, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on “New Color Messages” opens at 555 Gallery

Color is one of Mother Nature’s most useful messengers. Even black-and-white works of art somehow appear more vibrant because our visual sense “imagines” their contrast with full color. The “New Color Messages” exhibition exemplifies and caters to this human faculty. It opened Saturday at the 555 Gallery on Second Street, and is jointly curated by John Rizzo, most recently in Portland, Ore., and 555 Gallery owner Susan Nalband. Be sure not to miss this joy-filled show, especially now that spring seems to be at hand. The gallery at 555 East Second St. is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m. Works shown in photos: “Domestic Bliss” by Patty Carrol, “Tree Lines” by Mary Ellen Strom, [...]

2 03, 2016

Sully’s opens for the season

2016-03-02T14:59:15-05:00March 2nd, 2016|Categories: Business|Tags: |Comments Off on Sully’s opens for the season

It goes without saying that South Boston treasures its traditions. One of these traditions is affectionately called “Sully’s.” For more than half a century, Sullivan’s on Castle Island has welcomed residents and visitors alike, serving beachside food to the multitudes that go there – to sun, swim, visit the fort, and of course to dine at Sully’s. Sully’s signature offering is a grilled hot dog – the scent is bewitching, but no one has successfully bottled it yet. In this writer’s (humble) opinion, the double cheeseburger is the apex of Sully’s menu. On Saturday, Feb. 27, Sullivan’s opened for the year. The line exceeded 200, the counter was jam-packed, and the wait approached a half hour. But no one minded – it’s Sully’s, after all. [...]

24 02, 2016

Openings and renovations: A look at South Boston’s ever-changing culinary scene

2016-02-26T13:47:31-05:00February 24th, 2016|Categories: Business, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Openings and renovations: A look at South Boston’s ever-changing culinary scene

By RICK WINTERSON There’s a lot of action – dining and drinking action — on and around East Broadway near L Street, as well as that stretch just below Perkins Square – technically, West Broadway, of course, but still referred to as “Upper.” Once upon a time, those few blocks were called “Big Broadway,” leaving the rest of it to be known as “Little,” we guess. There’s an intriguing bit of ground-floor frontage looking out on the intersection of L and Broadway from the southwest. It begs for a restaurant, and the paperwork is underway, but what will it be? We’re betting on a steak-and-designer-cocktail place, but admittedly we haven’t done our investigative legwork yet. Sixth Gear Cask & Kitchen has opened on L and [...]

17 02, 2016

Medicine Wheel Productions celebrates its 25th anniversary

2016-02-18T15:54:52-05:00February 17th, 2016|Categories: Business, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Medicine Wheel Productions celebrates its 25th anniversary

By RICK WINTERSON South Boston Online writer Rick Winterson is a member of the Medicine Wheel board. Back in 1991, the basic aim/goal/mission/philosophy/whatever of Medicine Wheel Productions occurred to Michael Dowling, Medicine Wheel’s founder, artistic director, and artist in his own right. Stated simply, Michael realized the connection between the community and its art. Medicine Wheel’s basic idea is stated in the clause, “Building Community Through Art.” Well, 2016 equals 1991 plus 25 years. Medicine Wheel Production is celebrating its silver anniversary this year. Big plans and great celebrations will make this a memorable anniversary year. There are a number of events planned, but three stand out in particular. The first is a Medicine Wheel fundraiser called “Turning the Wheel” on Thursday, June 16, as [...]

3 02, 2016

Zydeco-based musical entertains at Fort Point bistro

2016-02-05T15:57:22-05:00February 3rd, 2016|Categories: Business, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Zydeco-based musical entertains at Fort Point bistro

Keep track of Internal Matter, the upscale bistro (and occasional cabaret) at 35 Channel Center in Fort Point. It has some great mid-evening entertainment, as well as varied refreshments a le bistro. Recently, it presented excerpts from “Katrina Roadhouse,” a musical with a Zydeco-based score. By Rick Winterson Last week, playwright and composer Ralph Tufo and director and producer Marc Miller of the Fort Point Theatre Channel combined their talents for a presentation of “Katrina Roadhouse” at Internal Matter bistro. They were joined by guitarist Larry Plitt, and a cast of actors that included Cristina Dones, Thomas Killgallen, Laura Edwards, Kendrick Terrell Evans and Sharon Squires. “Katrina Roadhouse” is a musical written by Tufo that is based on Hurricane Katrina and its effects on New [...]

27 01, 2016

“Launch” opens at 555 Gallery

2016-02-05T16:02:43-05:00January 27th, 2016|Categories: Business, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on “Launch” opens at 555 Gallery

As usual, Susan Nalband of South Boston’s 555 Gallery has assembled a striking exhibition of fine art photography. Her gallery is devoted exclusively to this genre. Thirteen artists contributed to the current exhibition, which had its opening reception Saturday, Jan. 23, and runs until Feb. 20. The exhibition is entitled “Launch” and was curated with new collectors of fine art photography in mind. According to a description of the exhibition, “Launch features new or rarely exhibited work by artists.” Be sure to stop in at 555 East Second St., to take a look - a long look.  The hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. -Rick Winterson   “A Cape Cod Night” and “The Guiding [...]

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