14 01, 2019

Meet the Candidates for Mayor of South Boston

2019-01-14T13:42:48-05:00January 14th, 2019|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Meet the Candidates for Mayor of South Boston

Bobby Diggins      One of the key fundraisers for the South Boston Saint Patrick's Day Parade is the ongoing campaign for “Mayor of South Boston”.   We are pleased to profile all four candidates beginning with South Boston’s Bobby Diggins.  Bobby is a high-energy, enthusiastic candidate, who has already held one fundraiser at Seapoint.  We asked Bobby why he stepped up to run for 2019 “Mayor of South Boston”.  Well, he’s a long-term resident – 30+ years – now living in the Foley Apartments on H Street at and Columbia Road.  He answered, “It’s all about memories, especially of veterans.”  He brought up the recently deceased Mickey Roache of fond memory and the memories of Gold Star Mothers.   He is dedicating his Parade-related efforts to his [...]

3 01, 2019

The 2019 Polar Plunge

2019-01-03T11:03:29-05:00January 3rd, 2019|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on The 2019 Polar Plunge

by Rick Winterson          Was the 2019 Plunge actually South Boston’s Polar Plunge No. 150?  A (rough) calculation indicates this might be the case, although confirming that was so would be very difficult.  In any case, many hundreds of Plungers showed up, despite the rain that fell the night before.   It was heartening to see so many folks – from near and from far – live up to their first resolution of the New Year:  To take the Polar Plunge, that is. The weather smiled, although that could be the result of global warming.  It felt like spring.  The timing of the tides required that this year’s Plunge take place at 9 a.m. sharp.  So, the L Street Tavern, which is essentially right [...]

27 12, 2018

Join the “L Street Brownies” for the Annual New Year’s Day Plunge

2018-12-27T09:45:06-05:00December 27th, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Join the “L Street Brownies” for the Annual New Year’s Day Plunge

On Tuesday, January 1, 2019, at 9:00 a.m., one of Boston's oldest traditions will continue with an estimated 600 people plunging into Boston Harbor for the annual “L Street Brownies” New Year’s Day Plunge.  The plunge is hosted by the L Street Brownies at the BCYF Curley Community Center, 1663 Columbia Road in South Boston, “M” Street entrance.  Due to the tide schedule, it will start at 9:00 a.m. Other information you should know:  Doors open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 10:30 a.m.; Participants should arrive dressed for the water as the men’s and women’s locker and shower rooms will not be available until after; Water shoes are suggested due to shells and rocks left by the tide; Pets are not allowed, please leave your [...]

26 12, 2018

2018 Christmas Heroics: 600 Served; More Than 200 Unexpectedly

2018-12-26T16:28:17-05:00December 26th, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on 2018 Christmas Heroics: 600 Served; More Than 200 Unexpectedly

by Rick Winterson      There have been Christmas Dinners served to the people of South Boston for the last 35 years.  These are such joyful occasions, one can only hope that these Dinners continue to be served for at least 135 years more.  This custom began with the late Msgr. McDonnell (popularly called “Fr. Tom”), who enlisted the help of Frank Kelley, a retired Marine Mess Sergeant.  Fr. Tom was inspired by the stories of feasting in Luke’s Gospel, which he called “the Hospitality Gospel”.  The Dinners were first held in the old St. Augustine Hall; they now take place every Christmas Day in St. Monica Church Hall. This Year of Our Lord 2018 was the 35th Anniversary of these Dinners.  And it was [...]

21 12, 2018

100 guys/100 Women Bring More Than Their Wallets

2018-12-21T10:56:14-05:00December 21st, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on 100 guys/100 Women Bring More Than Their Wallets

By:  Tara Kerrigan Hayes   Proving that the generosity of spirit is alive and well in Boston, this year’s Giving Tuesday was the perfect night to hold the 100 Women/Men Who Care’s annual Fundraiser. To date, The 100 Guys/100 Women Who Care groups have made a significant impact on local charitable organizations donating over $100,000, and they have no intention to stop any time soon. Graciously hosted by The Black Rose, this year’s fundraiser featured live music by The Lewis Brothers, with Irish whiskey tastings sponsored by Tullamore Dew, complimented by hors d’oeuvres to make for a festive evening to celebrate 100’s mission of collective giving. Yet the focus of the night remained ever present – the quest to find the right organization that would [...]

20 12, 2018

‘Tis the Season for Giving

2018-12-20T10:25:05-05:00December 20th, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on ‘Tis the Season for Giving

by Rick Winterson   Excel High Football Team Enjoys a Year-end Christmas Lunch at Tony C's, Courtesy of the Seaport's Cronin Group LLC Yesterday noon, the Excel High School 2018 football team met at Tony C’s in the Seaport.  The team’s eleven-game season had closed out on Thanksgiving Day last month.  It was now time for a celebration.  What better place could there be to celebrate a sporting season than in the elegant Grill Room of Tony C’s, which is located in the South Boston Seaport at 250 Northern Avenue (corner of D?). Tony C’s is owned by Jon Cronin, the Principal of the Cronin Group LLC.  In addition to being a prominent local property owner and developer, Jon is noted for his philanthropic efforts in and [...]

17 12, 2018

Kindness Kits (and Much More) at Aloft and Element

2018-12-17T14:18:50-05:00December 17th, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Kindness Kits (and Much More) at Aloft and Element

by Rick Winterson  Aloft Boston Seaport District sent us an interesting e-mail last week.  As a team-building Holiday activity, Aloft asked its staff at 401-403 D Street to assemble what they are calling “Kindness Kits” for free distribution to those in need around the South Boston area.  Their staff put together hundreds and hundreds of these kits, which were distributed to anyone who needed them or wanted to distribute them. Aloft still has about 100 of their Kindness Kits on hand and left over.  They asked South Boston Online to let the community know that the kits are available.  If you would like to obtain one or more of these to give to people who need them, you are welcome stop by the front desk [...]

13 12, 2018

They “Mayor of Southie” Race is Back and the Candidates Are?

2018-12-13T16:01:07-05:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on They “Mayor of Southie” Race is Back and the Candidates Are?

The ‘Mayor of Southie’ Race has returned - ready to pick up right where it left off a couple of years ago! The fun and spirited tradition of choosing 2019’s Mayor promises to live up to the past down-to-the-wire campaigns of Sue, Joyce, Dru, Kevin, Bobby and so many others who made this a great add on to our already amazing Saint Patrick’s and Evacuation Day activities, events and, the ultimate cap off, the Parade! The race provides a fun and unique way to give adult members of the South Boston community an opportunity to participate in the parade directly and be recognized for it, while working to raise the funds necessary to hold the annual parade. The various (and competitive!)  mayoral campaigns in the neighborhood [...]

11 12, 2018

SB Catholic Academy Jingle Bell 5K Run

2018-12-13T10:42:11-05:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: Education, Happenings|Comments Off on SB Catholic Academy Jingle Bell 5K Run

The Annual SBCA Jingle Bell 5K Run which was a huge success due to the endless efforts of all involved.  A huge Thank You goes to Mrs. Katie Marshman and Mr. Jeff Tassie, along with many other unsung heroes.  We are appreciative and grateful for all you do to help and support South Boston Catholic Academy!  It was so nice to see the many people, young and old, that came.  Some even brought their lovable family pets to join in the race.  Thank you to all who took part in this the event! It was great to see the students in grades 2 through 6 from South Boston Catholic Academy's Run Club, who also participated in South Boston Catholic Academy's Jingle Bell Run! Twenty student [...]

7 12, 2018

Winter Coats to Paraclete

2018-12-07T14:10:06-05:00December 7th, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Winter Coats to Paraclete

The staff of Community Services from South Boston’s Police Station C-6 brings winter coats – generously supplied by the Stone Foundation – to the Paraclete Center on E Street. These will keep their students warm all this winter long. Thank you, and Merry Christmas.   Winter coats have been distributed to Paraclete students by Station C-6 BPD Community Services and the Stone Foundation..

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