1 11, 2018

Please Reserve November 10 for Veterans Events in South Boston

2018-11-27T13:27:32-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Please Reserve November 10 for Veterans Events in South Boston

  by Rick Winterson      Dave Falvey dropped in at South Boston Online last Monday morning for a chat.  Dave is the Commander of South Boston’s Allied War Veterans Council (the AWVC), which is the organization responsible for the St. Patrick’s/Evacuation Day Parade every year.  Specifically, he wanted to discuss the AWVC’s plans for Veterans Day weekend, as well as briefing us on the 2019 Parade. The upcoming Veterans Day weekend will be quite busy, especially on Saturday, November 10.  The DAV 5K race takes place that morning on Castle Island, running from the Fort, along the Causeway, to the Sugar Bowl/Head Island/Fish Hawk, and back.  Proceeds go to benefit Disabled American Veterans (DAV).  You can log onto and register for this race at [...]

11 10, 2018

A Challenge to Feed South Boston’s Hungry

2018-11-27T16:06:52-05:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on A Challenge to Feed South Boston’s Hungry

  Gleaming new buildings are springing up like mushrooms all over South Boston, along with upscale restaurants and trendy boutiques. In this atmosphere of plenty it’s hard to imagine that there are more than a few people in the neighborhood who are hurting and hungry. But hurting and hungry they are.  Ten years ago, Dr. Nisha Thakrar, pediatrician and Chief Medical Officer at South Boston Community Health Center approached the CEO, Bill Halpin, with a concern. She had patients who weren’t making it to the end of the month with their food supply. She had several moms who had to make the choice to forgo a meal so their children could eat.  Halpin and Susan LaPaglia, the Director of Administrative Services spearheaded a food drive. [...]

11 10, 2018

The Ribbon Is Cut. EpiCenter Expansion Opens!

2018-11-27T13:06:34-05:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on The Ribbon Is Cut. EpiCenter Expansion Opens!

by Rick Winterson  Last Wednesday morning, October 3, Artists for Humanity cut the ribbon on its 30,000 square foot expansion.  For several years now, Artists for Humanity has occupied its clean-lined building at the intersection of A and Second Streets. This building opened in 2004. It is called “The EpiCenter”, a word that means the point on the earth’s surface directly above an earthquake. The EpiCenter has served thousands of young artists, who have generated a true “earthquake” of creativity in Boston since then.  Led by Susan Rodgerson, its Founding Executive/Artistic Director, Artists for Humanity began working with young artists in 1993, using donated space in the old Boston Wharf warehouses along A Street. When Boston Wharf sold their properties, Artists for Humanity moved to [...]

6 09, 2018

Boston Common Awareness Vigil

2018-11-27T14:42:13-05:00September 6th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Boston Common Awareness Vigil

By Richard Campbell The Massachusetts State of Awareness Day which is part of the International Awareness Movement on the prevention and cure for addictions held a passionate public outreach event this past Saturday August 31 at the Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common. The day, which was proclaimed by Governor Charlie Baker, hosted multiple addiction and recovery organizations.  The event, supported by Wahl Street Productions, (Mark and James Wahlberg) who are behind the film: The Circle of Addiction: A Different Kind of Tears, was attended by many families who showed placards and T-shirts in memory of their loved ones.  The International Awareness Day originated in Melbourne Australia in 2001 and has grown along with the epidemic that it hopes to end.  The speakers were predominately activists [...]

3 09, 2018

Councilors Flynn, Baker Call for 20 MPH Speed Limit Hearing

2018-11-27T13:06:34-05:00September 3rd, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Councilors Flynn, Baker Call for 20 MPH Speed Limit Hearing

Lower Speeds, Traffic Calming To Improve Road Safety For All Last week, Boston City Councilors Ed Flynn and Frank Baker called for a hearing to examine the merits of lowering the speed limit in the City of Boston to 20 MPH, unless otherwise posted, as well as a discussion of other traffic calming measures to improve road safety for all. The speed limit in the city was most recently lowered from 30 MPH to 25 MPH on January 9, 2017 as part of the city’s Vision Zero initiative, no serious or fatal crashes in Boston by 2030. The order has been sent to the Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation. “In the final analysis, Councilor Baker and I want to open up this dialogue to [...]

3 09, 2018

Bandstand Renewed by NER and Dedication to Harry Uhlman

2018-11-27T16:56:37-05:00September 3rd, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Bandstand Renewed by NER and Dedication to Harry Uhlman

by Rick Winterson Like a lot of people, some of us take our structures for granted. And that’s understandable, since many of the things we build, especially those built with bricks and mortar, last longer than almost everyone’s lifetime. A good example of this is the Bandstand in Marine Park – an initial search for the background of the Bandstand turned up records going back to 1935 – 83 years ago. The search still continues, further into the past. And like any structure, time takes its toll, even if it’s only slowly. There are visible cracks in the mortar between the Bandstand’s bricks, from top to bottom. And most pf the surfaces exposed to the weather need renewing, followed by a good coat of exterior [...]

2 08, 2018

Commissioner Evans to B.C.

2018-08-02T14:44:25-04:00August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Commissioner Evans to B.C.

by Rick Winterson It had been announced to the media over last weekend, culminating in a Press Conference in City Hall’s Eagle Room on Monday morning. The current Commissioner of the Boston Police Department (the BPD) William B. Evans is retiring. He will shortly assume responsibility for the Public Safety Department at Boston College, which includes B.C.’s Campus Police. At the Monday morning Press Conference, Mayor Walsh also announced Evan’s replacement as Commissioner of the BPD: the current BPD Superintendent-in- Chief William Gross. Gross, who had been second in command of the BPD, now assumes the title of Interim Commissioner until Saturday, August 4, the day Evans actually retires. He will be formally sworn in soon afterward. Evans’ retirement from the Force was an emotional [...]

27 07, 2018

Brainstorming the Future of Moakley Park

2018-11-27T13:06:34-05:00July 27th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Brainstorming the Future of Moakley Park

By Richard Campbell South Boston residents, city planners, landscape architects, and stakeholders of all backgrounds met at the Tierney Learning Center this past Thursday night for three hours of exploration on the future of Moakley Park. This was the most recent installment of several meetings to engage stakeholders from the neighborhood to give input into how South Boston envisions the Moakley Park area reinvented to withstand climate change, and to grow its role in the community as a place of recreational culture in the not too distant future. Some perceive this “future” as happening way down the road, but when talking with Boston Parks Commissioner, Chris Cook, that future is more in his mind as a few years away, when he and the team the [...]

23 05, 2018

Clerk Magistrate Salvatore “Sal” Paterna Honored as ‘Person of the Year’

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00May 23rd, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Clerk Magistrate Salvatore “Sal” Paterna Honored as ‘Person of the Year’

  South Boston Resident Shines at Annual Dinner Meeting   The Bar Association of Norfolk County (BANC) selected Clerk Magistrate at Dedham District Court Salvatore Paterna as the recieptent of this year’s ‘Person of the Year’ award. The ’Person of the Year’ award is presented by the Bar Assocation’s Council members and officers to an individual who has achieved outstanding community service in Norfolk County.   “It’s an honor to be recognized by the Bar Asssocaition of Norfolk County as the ‘Person of the Year,’ said Sal Paterna. “Each and every day I manage a demanding courthouse and I make it a priority to give back to the community I serve.”   The ‘Person of the Year’ award has been given out every year since [...]

27 04, 2018


2018-11-27T16:55:24-05:00April 27th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on THE BIRTH OF K STREET CANDLES

By Tara Kerrigan Hayes Inspiration can strike at any moment, from the most unexpected of places. Just ask Navy Veteran and South Boston Native, Michael Aldred, who fortuitously ventured down a new career path when he transformed an empty booze bottle into what would ultimately become merchandise for his local, budding business. He was taking out recycles after a long night of tending bar when an idea came to him. “This bourbon bottle caught my eye, when I decided to take something potentially destructive and turn it into something constructive”, Michael said. “I thought it would just be a fun hobby, turning liquor bottles into candles, to occupy my time.” As a novice wine enthusiast, Michael began to see all bottles and labels in a [...]

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