13 09, 2017

Vietnam Memorial Rededicated

2017-09-13T15:23:18-04:00September 13th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Vietnam Memorial Rededicated

Medal of Honor recipient Ryan Pitts, US Army ( center) 25 year US Navy veteran Ed Flynn and former Mayor Of Boston and U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican Ray Flynn. by Rick Winterson OnSunday, September10, the 36th remembrance of the 25 South Boston veterans who gave their lives in Vietnam took place. A Memorial Mass was celebrated in St. Brigid Church at 10:30 that morning. The colors and the participants in the rededication of the Vietnam Memorial (the first in the nation) marched to the Memorial in MedalofHonorPark, arrivingatmid-day. Approximately200peoplehadgathered there to take part. It was fair and sunny. SpecialguestsincludedMedalofHonor recipientsRyanPittsandThomasKelley. John McDermott rendered the National Anthem. Fr. Robert Casey, Pastor of St. Brigid Church, spoke the Invocation, during which he also asked for prayers [...]

6 09, 2017

Countdown to Kindergarten #18

2017-09-06T17:41:53-04:00September 6th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Countdown to Kindergarten #18

by Rick Winterson To say the least, it was a festive and crowded occasion. Called “Countdown to Kindergarten”, it was the 18th Annual celebration of Boston’s young children, who were about to embark on their school years by entering kindergarten. And it was held at South Boston’s Children’s Museum on Tuesday, August 29. Perhaps as many as 1,200 kindergarten kids showed up, along with their families. It was quite a crowd. The exhibits inside the Museum were mobbed. The shows and activities put on by the Staff at Children’s Museum were non-stop and excellent. Best of all, they were informative, so that the kids could get a feel for their upcoming kindergarten adventure in a low-key, fun-filled way. Mayor Walsh was the guest of honor. [...]

6 09, 2017

Gypsy: Big Time Nostalgia at the Lyric

2017-09-06T19:08:36-04:00September 6th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Gypsy: Big Time Nostalgia at the Lyric

By Richard Campbell In the history of musical theatre, Arthur Laurent’s book for Gypsy looms large over every writer in the genre, not merely because of Stephen Sondheim’s excellent pairing with time tested tunes by Jule Styne, but for the show’s multifaceted cast of characters and its tricky switch from fabulous farce to light pathos. Based in part on the memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee, the show originally premiered in 1959, a pretty different time in musical theater. Gypsy looked back upon the Vaudeville and Burlesque past from the post war vantage point, for audiences then were only a few generations removed from the nineteen twenties and thirties. The appreciation for innocent campiness that made it a cathartic release then, works almost as well to [...]

30 08, 2017

Innovations at Boston Public Schools Get Full Test This Fall

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00August 30th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Innovations at Boston Public Schools Get Full Test This Fall

By Richard Campbell   This past July the Boston Public Schools signed a contract with nationally known Revolution Foods to provide school breakfast and lunches, in the hopes of significantly boosting nutrition and taste for meals consumed by Boston school students. Given the past reputation of the food at BPS that this writer saw in online forums, the move could not have come sooner. It was heralded in major media as a slam-dunk achievement for school superintendent Tommy Chang, who has faced other more intractable problems than finding better nutrition. In the official press release Mr. Chang said: “For many students, the meals they receive at school are their most nutritious of the day, Revolution Foods embraces our nationally-recognized efforts of making sure every student [...]

30 08, 2017

Sunday at the Seaport

2017-08-30T15:58:02-04:00August 30th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Sunday at the Seaport

by Rick Winterson Last Sunday afternoon, August 26, was memorable, in part because of the 2017 Jazz Fest in South Boston’s Maritime Park, in part because of how varied the South Boston Seaport vista has become, and in part due to Mother Nature’s gift of incredible weather.  It was an afternoon to walk leisurely from east to west in the Seaport District. The most prominent happening was the 2017 Jazz Fest, which took place in the South Boston Maritime Park at the northern end of D Street.  After resolving a few moisture-related problems, six groups played for seven hours – noon till 7 p.m.  Each one performed a full set of original works.  South Boston Online has space to review only one of those groups [...]

26 08, 2017

Groundbreaking Ceremony: Martin’s Park

2017-08-26T19:20:26-04:00August 26th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Groundbreaking Ceremony: Martin’s Park

  by Rick Winterson      To say that it was a “celebration” strikes the wrong note.  It was a “bittersweet” occasion.  But there was something “uplifting” or even “solemnly joyful” and “fitting” about breaking ground for the park at Children’s Museum dedicated to Martin Richard’s memory.  Martin Richard left us because of the Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013.  He won’t return, but Martin’s Park assures us that he’ll never be forgotten. Such it was by the Children’s Museum at 64 Sleeper Street early last Wednesday afternoon.  The sun shone brilliantly on an event formally called “Martin’s Park at Smith Family Waterfront, Groundbreaking Ceremony, 1:00 p.m., August 16, 2017”.  A crowd of perhaps as many as a thousand gathered across Fort Point Channel from [...]

17 08, 2017

Broadway – Both Old and New, Both East and West

2017-08-17T16:52:36-04:00August 17th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News, Real Estate|Comments Off on Broadway – Both Old and New, Both East and West

   “Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet …” The Ballad of the East and West" Rudyard Kipling, 1889   by Rick Winterson      First, a bit of local history:  Way back, Broadway was split into West and East Broadway at Perkins Square; the two east-west segments were (and still are) each about a mile long.  Over the years, West Broadway came to be known as “Big Broadway” because it was a much more popular place to go.  East Broadway, even though it had its own movie theater and a bowling alley, was called “Little Broadway”. Times changed, as they always do, and the attractions along “Big Broadway” began shrinking.  For many reasons, East Broadway became the [...]

17 08, 2017

6th Annual Seafood Festival on a Roll

2017-08-17T16:20:31-04:00August 17th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on 6th Annual Seafood Festival on a Roll

The Conventures Crew posed during the Seafood Festival. by Richard Campbell Sunday August 13th proved to be perfect weather for the Boston Seafood Festival, a rustic promotional event of all things seafood that draws New Englanders from the industry to entertain visitors to the South Boston Seaport.  From the shucked shellfish, to witty chefs, campy music-crowds soon gravitated to standing room areas that supported plenty of beer.  Sponsored primarily by the Boston Fisheries Foundation to raise awareness of the state of the industry, as well as to promote products and services. The better part of the festival is locals offering their fresh seafood at cut rate prices. One of the most important items on the agenda is to get yourself some fresh oysters or cherry [...]

9 08, 2017

Dorchester Heights National Park Site Awaiting Repairs: Neighbors Complain Park is Going to the Dogs.

2017-08-09T17:00:20-04:00August 9th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Dorchester Heights National Park Site Awaiting Repairs: Neighbors Complain Park is Going to the Dogs.

  By Richard Campbell The issue on hand is the de­teriorating condition of the Dorchester Heights monument, which has been closed for some time. Although the lawn is nice, the park is also badly in need of repairs to its stairs, and wall infrastructure. In the last deferred maintenance report for 2016, the Boston branch of NPS had deferred maintenance costs of $106,603,602, and we assume some part of that would belong to Dorchester Heights. It must be understood that the Heights is within the same NPS Boston branch that includes the Charlestown Navy Yard, and Bunker Hill Monument- both of which have received very expen­sive renovations. The USS Con­stitution’s restoration was just completed for 12 million, and Bunker Hill was done in 2007 for [...]

28 07, 2017

City of Boston Credit Union Comes to South Boston

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00July 28th, 2017|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on City of Boston Credit Union Comes to South Boston

Last week, the City of Boston Credit Union officially opened its new South Boston Branch at 130 West Broadway. Check out their services – hours are 8 to 5, except 8 to 6 on Thursday and 8 to 12 noon on Saturday (closed Sundays). by Rick Winterson Last week was an eventful week for the City of Boston Credit Union. It opened its fifth and newest Branch here in South Boston, at 130 West Broadway. The formal ribbon-cutting, courtesy of Boston’s Mayor Martin J. Walsh, took place at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday evening, July 19. Many other guests were on hand for the ribbon-cutting - from the City, from South Boston, and from the City of Boston Credit Union itself. Prominent among those who attended were [...]

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