1 11, 2018

Collins Presides Over Senate Senate

2018-11-27T14:43:49-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Collins Presides Over Senate Senate

For Immediate Release Signs supplemental budget, civics education bill, and adjourns in memory of victims in Pittsburgh   BOSTON- State Senator Nick Collins brought the Senate to order this week, gaveling in and presiding over a session that included the passage of  major statewide policy legislation, including a civics education bill, a supplemental spending plan with an emphasis on public health and the substance abuse epidemic, a municipal naloxone bulk purchasing program, collective bargaining agreements for UMass Boston and the Suffolk County Sherriff’s Office, and $70 million in relief for struggling hospitals and community health centers through the Health Safety Net Trust Fund. The supplemental budget creates a Municipal Naloxone Bulk Purchase Trust Fund, allowing municipalities, nonprofits, and Sheriff Departments to join the program and [...]

1 11, 2018

How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

2018-11-15T17:02:39-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

By Mayor Martin J. Walsh This year is shaping up to be one of the strongest years in Boston’s history. We’ve continued to add 20,000 new jobs each year, and we’ve brought unemployment down below 4 percent. And perhaps most importantly, we’ve made a plan to ensure that the benefits of Boston’s booming economy are enjoyed by everyone who calls this city home. We’re making record investments in affordable housing, sidewalks and bike lanes, community policing, libraries, and schools. Through our BuildBPS plan, we are making bold investments in our educational infrastructure, so that every school has the resources to provide a comprehensive, 21st century education for Boston’s young people. I am proud of the progress that Boston has made this year in so many [...]

1 11, 2018

Miller Park Dedicated

2018-11-01T12:32:13-04:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Miller Park Dedicated

By Rick Winterson   The park in the southeasterly angle formed by the crossing of the Summer Street Bridge over South Boston’s Reserved Channel has been completed.  It is an oasis in the middle of South Boston’s hustling, bustling Waterfront; it nestles between the Conley Terminal, the Black Falcon Terminal , and the Flynn Marine.  Last Monday afternoon, it was formally named the William Miller Memorial Park, dedicated to the memory of William J. “Hank” “Skippy” Miller III. The sun and fluffy cumulus clouds over the William Miller Memorial Park alternated with some intermittent showers.  The dedication was crowded; the tent was standing room only, in large part because Miller had a large family and many, many loyal friends.  He had been a U.S. Marine, [...]

1 11, 2018

How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

2018-11-01T12:18:15-04:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

By Mayor Martin Walsh This year is shaping up to be one of the strongest years in Boston’s history. We’ve continued to add 20,000 new jobs each year, and we’ve brought unemployment down below 4 percent. And perhaps most importantly, we’ve made a plan to ensure that the benefits of Boston’s booming economy are enjoyed by everyone who calls this city home. We’re making record investments in affordable housing, sidewalks and bike lanes, community policing, libraries, and schools. Through our BuildBPS plan, we are making bold investments in our educational infrastructure, so that every school has the resources to provide a comprehensive, 21st century education for Boston’s young people. I am proud of the progress that Boston has made this year in so many areas, [...]

1 11, 2018

Moms’ Club Teal Pumpkin Project Celebration

2018-11-01T12:01:34-04:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Moms’ Club Teal Pumpkin Project Celebration

By Rachel Pearson On Saturday, October 20th, MOMS Club of South Boston members and families gathered together for a Teal Pumpkin Project themed Halloween Party at the South Boston Neighborhood House. The Teal Pumpkin Project is a nationwide movement that encourages offering non-food treats in addition to traditional candy/ food items to trick-or-treaters at Halloween. It is a way for children with food allergies, diabetes, celiac disease, among other medical conditions and limited diets, to enjoy a safer and happier holiday. Children at the party enjoyed live entertainment and non-food treats in a celebration that also served to announce the MOMS Club’s involvement i n our nei ghborhood ’s annual Trick-or-Treating on Broadway. As part of this inclusive celebration, the MOMS Club of South Boston [...]

26 10, 2018

Gavin Foundation 2018 Anniversary Dinner

2018-10-26T17:17:22-04:00October 26th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Gavin Foundation 2018 Anniversary Dinner

by Rick Winterson In several of our issues this year, South Boston Online has mentioned that 2018 is a Year of Anniversary Celebrations. The Gavin Foundation’s 2018 Anniversary Dinner was no exception. Here are a few they observed on Thursday evening, October 18: The Gavin House – 56 years.  Hamilton House – 44  Cushing House – 19  Charlestown Recovery Home – 10 Gavin Foundation President John McGahan opened the Anniversary Dinner’s Program, remarking upon the efforts that the Gavin is making to combat the ongoing opioid abuse epidemic. He thanked Gov. Charlie Baker for his support, and the Governor then took the podium. Although it is an election year for the Governor, he interrupted his campaigning and took the time to speak at the Dinner. Baker congratulated the [...]

18 10, 2018

Sharp Spike in Auto Larcenies

2018-11-27T16:02:51-05:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Sharp Spike in Auto Larcenies

   by Rick Winterson  Each month, South Boston Online attends a community information meeting at our local Police Station C-6. The group that attends this meeting is called the Neighborhood Advisory Council (the NAC). The NAC’s purpose is to ensure that information flows and enforcement actions by Station C-6 fit the neighborhoods’ needs as well as possible. All of the major neighborhoods that Station C-6 is responsible for are represented on the NAC; the most recent NAC Meeting took place on Wednesday evening, October 3.  Key subjects that came up included the ongoing opioid crisis and the traffic control efforts resulting from the recent traffic tragedies. Station C-6 Captain Joseph Boyle then described the major increase in larcenies from motor vehicles in and around South [...]

6 09, 2018

The 2018 Primaries

2018-11-27T16:07:51-05:00September 6th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on The 2018 Primaries

by Rick Winterson      For an election that took place in a so-called “Off Year”, and was a Primary Election as well, the turnout was fairly strong at 25% of registered voters.  Part of this was the action (or reaction) generated by the current climate in Washington.  Another part was due to the high interest in certain campaigns run in Massachusetts and Boston. Both Congressman Steve Lynch and State Senator Nick Collins qualified for re-nomination handily (Nick was unopposed; Steve garnered 70+% of votes cast).  Steve’s years of experience – both domestic and foreign – along with his flexible, moderate approach make him well-suited to continue representing us.  Nick is a hardworking, loyal Senator at the state level.  Governor’s Council incumbent Christopher Ianella bested [...]

10 08, 2018

Rage and Respect at Tynan School Traffic Meeting

2018-09-03T17:50:18-04:00August 10th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Rage and Respect at Tynan School Traffic Meeting

By Richard Campbell In the wake of the cruel death of an innocent child, as well as a longer history of tragic accidents on our streets, South Boston residents gathered for a public traffic safety meeting at the Tynan School on this past Thursday evening. South Bostonians revealed a unified rage, tempered by community respect, that has been earned in sorrow. As the flier from the South Boston Families for Safe Streets noted, six pedestrians, including three small children, have been struck on South Boston streets in the past two months alone. If there was any public official under the illusion that they haven’t been put on notice to move into action, surely the message has been sent loud and clear. Citizens in this neighborhood [...]

2 08, 2018

Commissioner Evans to B.C.

2018-08-02T14:44:25-04:00August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Commissioner Evans to B.C.

by Rick Winterson It had been announced to the media over last weekend, culminating in a Press Conference in City Hall’s Eagle Room on Monday morning. The current Commissioner of the Boston Police Department (the BPD) William B. Evans is retiring. He will shortly assume responsibility for the Public Safety Department at Boston College, which includes B.C.’s Campus Police. At the Monday morning Press Conference, Mayor Walsh also announced Evan’s replacement as Commissioner of the BPD: the current BPD Superintendent-in- Chief William Gross. Gross, who had been second in command of the BPD, now assumes the title of Interim Commissioner until Saturday, August 4, the day Evans actually retires. He will be formally sworn in soon afterward. Evans’ retirement from the Force was an emotional [...]

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