18 05, 2016

South Boston resident provides water bowls for neighborhood pets

2016-05-18T13:44:58-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on South Boston resident provides water bowls for neighborhood pets

By RICK WINTERSON Did you ever think of South Boston as being mostly a desert? Well, it is. Certainly, it rains here, but almost all of the storm water drains away quickly, with only a few puddles temporarily left behind. Otherwise, there is little or no fresh water anywhere out of doors. In other words, South Boston is normally a desert, and that can be hard on our cats, dogs and other pets. Well, Chris Gregorio, who lives in the Msgr. Powers apartments at 120 L St., decided he would do something about this. He has begun to set out water bowls, sometimes on one of his blankets when the wind is calm. He only asks that you sign your pet in – some 60 [...]

18 05, 2016

Ollie student spotlight winner: Alexis Llewellyn

2016-05-18T13:44:43-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Ollie student spotlight winner: Alexis Llewellyn

By KEVIN DEVLIN On a monthly basis, the South Boston Neighborhood House (the Ollie) recognizes their youngsters by announcing two “Student Spotlight” winners. These young members are recognized for their good behavior, kindness, caring and consideration, as well as being super kids overall. Alexis Llewellyn is one of the student spotlight winners for April. Alexis, 7, is the daughter of Paul Llewellyn and Kim Reeves. She has two brothers, Patrick and Paul. She also has a white, brown and black cat named Red Sox and a Yorkshire terrier puppy named Charlie. Alexis is in the first grade at the Condon Elementary School in South Boston. Her favorite subject is dance. Someday she plans on being a cheerleader or a veterinarian. Her favorite food is pizza [...]

18 05, 2016

Ollie student spotlight winner: Talia Scott

2016-05-18T13:44:27-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Ollie student spotlight winner: Talia Scott

By KEVIN DEVLIN On a monthly basis, the South Boston Neighborhood House (the Ollie) recognizes its youngsters by announcing two “Student Spotlight” winners. These young members are recognized for their good behavior, kindness, caring and consideration, as well as being super kids overall. Talia Scott is one of the student spotlight winners for April. Talia, 10, is the daughter of Carla Elwood and Cedric Scott. She has three brothers, Jonathan, Joshua and Anthony, as well as two sisters, Mylee and Aurinna. She also has a Rhodesian ridgeback pit bull mix dog named Kush. Talia is in the Advanced Work Class at the Condon Elementary School in South Boston. She’s doing terrific in school and made the honor roll this past semester. Her favorite subject is [...]

18 05, 2016

Introducing Courtney Mulligan

2016-05-18T13:44:11-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Introducing Courtney Mulligan

By KEVIN DEVLIN She’s a polite, young girl who enjoys living in South Boston. Her name is Courtney Mulligan. Courtney, 12, is the daughter of Kimberly and Joseph Mulligan. She has three older sisters, Chelsea, Casey and Caitlin, as well as one brother named Joseph. She has three pets. One cat that is brown, orange, and yellow is named Autumn and the other black and white cat is Mully. The dog, a pug and pit bull mix, is named Mully. Courtney is in the sixth grade at Up Academy on Dorchester Street (the former Gavin Middle School). She’s doing well in class, her favorite subject is math, and someday she hopes to be a veterinarian. Her favorite color is black and her favorite food is [...]

18 05, 2016

East Broadway resident performs at Quincy’s Curtain Call Theater

2016-05-18T13:43:55-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on East Broadway resident performs at Quincy’s Curtain Call Theater

By RICK WINTERSON That’s Lorie Walsh of Broadway in South Boston, of course – East Broadway on the eastern slope of “Pill Hill,” to be exact. Lorie has just completed a run at Braintree’s Curtain Call Theater, where she performed as Felicity in Michael Cristofer’s gripping play, “The Shadow Box,” directed by Peter Kates. Many of Lorie’s friends from South Boston drove down to the Curtain Call stage to see her in that very challenging role. “The Shadow Box” debuted 40 years ago. It deals frankly – sometimes sadly, sometimes humorously – with the hospice movement and the inevitability of death. Even now, our society tends to wall off the experience of death, rather than facing (and eventually accepting) it directly. Almost two generations after [...]

18 05, 2016

Perry School Shark Shout Out

2016-05-18T13:43:36-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Perry School Shark Shout Out

Perry School Shark shout out to student Patrick Corbitt who surely endured a sweaty evening while wearing a Clifford the Red Dog costume during our whole school book fair! (Shout outs also to all the sweat-free moms and staff members who helped make this enjoyable event a reality!) Perry School Shark shout out to teachers Michelle Woods and Doreen McCarthy for coordinating a very successful whole school science fair! (And a special shout out to all the Perry moms who spent part of their Mother’s Day helping put the finishing touches on their children’s fabulous projects! We’ll be sure to pay closer attention to the calendar next year!)

18 05, 2016

A Memorial Day weekend reminder

2016-05-18T13:43:23-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on A Memorial Day weekend reminder

By RICK WINTERSON South Boston Online mentioned 2016 Memorial Day observances at the Fitzgerald VFW Post No. 561 (VFW, 517 East Fourth St.) in our last issue. This is a brief reminder of those observances; as always, the public is cordially invited to attend and take part. The ceremonies at the Fitzgerald Post will take place on Sunday, May 29. They begin with an assembly and breakfast collation in the Post at 9 a.m. At 9:30, the Post members and their guests will march to Medal of Honor (M Street) Park, where there will be a solemn wreath laying at the Vietnam Memorial. After the ceremonies, members and guests will return to the Post for a complimentary lunch. Please plan to join us – see [...]

18 05, 2016

Special Kids and Young Adults bowling banquet was a ball

2016-05-18T13:43:08-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: Happenings, Sports|Comments Off on Special Kids and Young Adults bowling banquet was a ball

By KEVIN DEVLIN On Sunday, May 15, the Special Kids and Young Adults program held their annual bowling banquet at the South Boston Yacht Club. The bowlers were presented with prizes and then treated to a buffet that also included their favorite ice cream dishes. It was a great time and everyone left with smiles on their faces. Cheryl Flaherty who takes the lead in this endeavor was pleased that the season was another success for all involved. Pictured at the South Boston Yacht Club (SBYC) are the Special Kids and Young Adults program volunteers, which includes (from left) Steve, Richie, Joe, Cheryl, Barbara, SBYC Commodore Irish, Kellie, Jenn, Gigi, and Rocky. (Photo by Kevin Devlin) “South Boston Special Kids and Young Adults [...]

18 05, 2016

Get outside and give back as a tour guide on Castle Island

2018-11-27T13:06:36-05:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Get outside and give back as a tour guide on Castle Island

By RICK WINTERSON Are you new to South Boston? Or perhaps you’ve lived here for a while, and now you’d like to “give back” in return for the Southie experiences you’re enjoying. Possibly you’d simply like to make some very enjoyable friends, while giving your sunscreen a workout. Interested? Consider joining the Castle Island Association (the “other” CIA), an organization of 5,000 members, who are responsible for one of the most magnificent historic sites in Boston and vicinity, as well as one of the most striking harbor views in the city. Then think about volunteering. Right now, volunteers are being sought for guided tours of Fort Independence. These tours are learning experiences for both the guides and visitors to the fort. They take around 45 [...]

18 05, 2016

Warm weather arrives for softball and baseball in Southie

2016-05-18T13:42:32-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on Warm weather arrives for softball and baseball in Southie

It was a long stretch of rainy weather, but last Saturday, May 14, blue skies and sunny skies allowed local softball and baseball enthusiasts to take to the field and play ball. Photos by Kevin Devlin The South Boston Girls Softball League under 14 team coached by Kathy Davis and Katie O’Connell (not pictured) playing against Charlestown at the Shore Lane softball field adjacent to the Murphy Rink. The players are: Emma, Abby, Kate, Olivia, Sarah, Isabella, Arianna, Carmela, Hailey, Brianna, Allison, Samantha and Olivia. (Photo by Kevin Devlin) The South Boston Girls Softball League under 14 team coached by Jerry Galvin and Whitney Christmas (not pictured) also playing against Charlestown at the Shore Lane softball field adjacent to the Murphy Rink. [...]

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