About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
13 04, 2018

Opening in Style: LL Bean at the Seaport

2018-04-13T13:12:45-04:00April 13th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Opening in Style: LL Bean at the Seaport

By Richard Campbell As big box retailers fade into irrelevance blaming Amazon for their demise, LL Bean’s opening in the Boston Seaport this past week showed everyone that old fashioned customer service, genuine product, and just being friendly drives customer loyalty.  I’ve been to plenty of store openings over the years, and would have to go way back to recall any store opening with such smart style, well trained staff, and genuine great vibes. Rarely does this writer to wait outside a store in a cow line, but I showed up and hour early to be a gift card recipient and mind waiting at all because the LL Bean staff kept coming by lavishing us with freebies (water, water bottles, hats, pens).  LL Bean greeters [...]

12 04, 2018

Police Update: MAR/APR 2018

2018-04-12T14:36:21-04:00April 12th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Police Update: MAR/APR 2018

by Rick Winterson      South Boston’s Neighborhood Advisory Council meets monthly to conduct an open, back-and-forth discussion of police matters in and around South Boston.  This meeting, called by Station C-6 Capt. Joseph Boyle on Wednesday evening, April 4, was particularly interesting locally. March’s key event, of course, was the St. Patrick’s/Evacuation Day Parade on Sunday, March 18.  Capt. Boyle reported that it was comparatively peaceful along the Parade’s abbreviated route, which terminated halfway along the usual route, at Farragut Road.  A few complaints were voiced about the length of the lines into the bars and taverns along Broadway, but nothing really serious occurred because of these.  Some 67 police actions were taken during the Parade itself – lower than last year’s total of [...]

4 04, 2018

Celts Rap the Raptors

2018-04-04T16:31:56-04:00April 4th, 2018|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on Celts Rap the Raptors

by Rick Winterson The Boston Celtics occupy a solid second place in the NBA’s Eastern Conference. They were on a streak – six games in a row as of last weekend. They are in the top four of the entire NBA. They had been three games behind the Toronto Raptors. After Saturday’s 110-99 rapping of the Raptors at the TD Garden, the Celts were just two down in the East. This is with three injured starters out for long periods – Haywood, Irving, and Smart – along with bench backups Daniel Theis and Shane Larkin. Still, five of the remaining Celts hit double figured Saturday night, three of them making 20+ points – Marcus Morris (25), Jayson Tatum (24), and Terry Rozier (21). Led by [...]

4 04, 2018

“Breathing Room: Mapping Boston’s Green Spaces”

2018-04-04T16:20:44-04:00April 4th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on “Breathing Room: Mapping Boston’s Green Spaces”

Dory Klein, Map Librarian, giving a tour of the exhibit. By Richard Campbell What’s not to like about the Norman Leventhal Map Center at the Copley branch of the Boston Public Library? Almost every time I stop by the place they have something new and interesting to see. For those of you who think this is simply a room full of maps, you have to see the current gallery exhibit: “Breathing Room: Mapping Boston’s Green Spaces” to get a full feeling on the history and development of the great park systems we have in Boston. From the historical to contemporary park projects, this is a really well planned exhibit. Technically if you can’t make it to the library, you can see much of [...]

4 04, 2018

Easter Around Southie

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00April 4th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Easter Around Southie

by Richard Campbell The Saturday before Easter was for once near perfect weather, and South Boston Online went out to some of the local shops to see how they are doing. First stop Stapleton’s to see how Yanni is doing with the “rush”-. He looks pretty relaxed to me! He won’t be this year as he’s starting a new enterprise. Then we stopped to talk to the ladies at Joseph’s, and they posed between the virtual mob scene to show us some Easter treats, and picked up a deli sandwich. They are coming up on a special anniversary soon- more on that later. Then onto Cafe Porto Bello, where I did convince the young shy waiters were shy, but the smell of sauces coming from [...]

4 04, 2018

Parking for the Public Good

2018-04-04T15:43:53-04:00April 4th, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Parking for the Public Good

The growth of real estate development along the main thoroughfare of South Boston has been enormous in the past ten years. We at South Boston Online have noticed all the new restaurants, boutiques, and dense new residential housing that has been added along Broadway, and simultaneously-the addition of more cars. In a crisis of unending tickets and triple parking, local businesses struggle to keep patrons coming simply because finding parking is such a hassle. The developers have been very busy in South Boston, and the time for public parking garages is long overdue. Imagine a future when you go shopping in South Boston and simply park your car in a garage near your shopping destination, or driving down Broadway without dogging parked cars. For this [...]

4 04, 2018

ACES: Educators Present on Child Abuse

2018-04-04T15:34:02-04:00April 4th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on ACES: Educators Present on Child Abuse

By Richard Campbell One of the more complex and widespread problems in today’s educational environment is how to educate students who are dealing with Adverse Child Experiences, commonly called ACEs. With the ASCD Conference emphasis upon educating the whole child, a group of educators from South Central Pennsylvania came prepared to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center with an in-depth presentation for educators on how to detect, evaluate, and respond to the problem of ACEs. Their presentation was entitled: “ACEs Paradigm Shift in How the School Community Can Address the Whole Child.” The presenters were Ellen G. Smith MD., School Counselor, Meg Riley M.ED, MMS, and Jeannette Fodness, Teacher and Instructional Coach M.Ed, who are professionals working in their respective school districts with educators and children. Utilizing [...]

28 03, 2018

ASCD Conference: Educating the Whole Child

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00March 28th, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on ASCD Conference: Educating the Whole Child

Cameraman catches the action at ASCD by Richard Campbell The ASCD held their annual conference called “Empower 18” at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center this past week, hosting thousands of educators from around the nation. Celebrating its seventy-fifth year, the organization has a multi-tiered mission to aid in the professional development of educators, promote curriculum development, healthy school environments, and advocate for educational equity. The sheer quantity and quality of the presenters, and the vast number of educational vendors, dominated the convention center for three days. Herein I hope to give you a snapshot to reveal the importance of this organization to the world of K-12 education. From the cogent opening remarks of Dr. Tommy Chang, Superintendent of the Boston Schools, to [...]

28 03, 2018

“Misremembered” A Must-See

2018-03-28T16:37:17-04:00March 28th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on “Misremembered” A Must-See

“Transposition 3” in cast lead crystal glass, by Katie Dye. by Rick Winterson Just the word “Misremembered”, the name of the current exhibition at the FPAC Gallery begs one to drop in for a viewing. “FPAC” stands for Fort Point Arts Community. Their Gallery is at 300 Summer Street, lower level; viewing hours are TUE-FRI, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. “Misremembered” is a trochaic-sounding word that refers to the memories of the past, remembered (often) through translucent time, which (gently) shapes these memories into emotions as well as the actual, factual events. Three artists are taking part in the “Misremembered” exhibition: Katei Dye, in sculptures of cast glass as her medium; Amanda Kidd Schall, monotypes/mixed media prints; and Brittany Severance, archival inkjet prints [...]

28 03, 2018

When Science Touches Everything Else: A Brief Tribute to Stephen Hawking

2018-03-28T16:29:17-04:00March 28th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on When Science Touches Everything Else: A Brief Tribute to Stephen Hawking

By Richard Campbell It was inevitable that when Stephen Hawking looked up into the sky that he would see things very differently than you or I, but it was not a forgone conclusion that he would spread his philosophy of science around the globe, and become a household name before passing away. I cannot, (like most people), pretend to understand his theory of radiation, black holes, quantum mechanics, etc. but read some of the suppositions only to feel, rather delightfully, the top of my head being blown open to a giant sky. We cannot fathom his daring in imagining the universe, and there was always a strange sense of unintentional immortality to his words. For large scale implications that would change physics books forever, stated [...]

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