About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
1 09, 2016

Dot Hoop Champs Crowned

2016-09-01T11:07:16-04:00September 1st, 2016|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Dot Hoop Champs Crowned

Eire Club Captures Garvey Park Title By Kevin Devlin On Friday evening, August 26, under beautiful blue skies, at the William H. Garvey Park basketball courts in Dorchester, the Eire Club defeated the Monahan Club, 62-51, to capture the Garvey Park men’s hoop league championship. Eire Club point guard Bobby Griffin (twenty-five points/two treys/two steals) who scored two timely three-pointers and was all over the court defensively, was SBOL’s MVP. Overall, the combination of good shots and solid defense, versus turnovers and the inability to score crucial baskets, paved the way for an Eire Club victory. The Eire Club went on an 8-0 run and then a 9-4 run during the opening minutes of the game to take a 17-4 lead. The Monahan Club responded [...]

1 09, 2016

Music Ends the Summer

2016-09-01T11:03:58-04:00September 1st, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Music Ends the Summer

You are reading this on the first of September, the first fall month. August, the last full month of summer, was escorted out last Saturday (the 27th) by music all across South Boston, from our rapidly growing Waterfront to Castle Island. It was a lively, rocking, jam-packed, multi-cultural afternoon. Perhaps the epicenter of all the music was the Waterfront’s green jewel, a.k.a. Maritime Park. The flagship event: the 2016 Boston Jazz Festival. The musical stage was set on the northern edge of the grassy open space bordering Seaport Boulevard/Northern Avenue, toward the Fish Pier. You might recall Bradley Bartlett-Roche from other venues. He was the youngest professional, at the age of 11, Music Ends the Summer ever to perform solo at Faneuil Hall. Perhaps you [...]

1 09, 2016

A “Time” for Steve

2016-09-01T11:02:28-04:00September 1st, 2016|Categories: Featured, Real Estate|Comments Off on A “Time” for Steve

By Rick Winterson Next Thursday, September 8, is State Primary Election Day – just one week away. As always, South Boston Online strongly encourages you to vote. It takes just a small amount of your time, and in our opinion, it’s not only your duty to vote, it’s actually your privilege. Please consider voting for South Boston’s own Stephen Lynch as your Representative in Congress. Steve has built up a very impressive record as a fair, hard-working, conscientious Congressman. On Tuesday, August 29, another Steve - Steve Murphy - visited South Boston. He’s a candidate for Register of Deeds, a civic function of great importance. Steve was hosted by Rep. Nick Collins, City Councilor Bill Linehan, and Councilor-at-Large Michael Flaherty in Bill “Touchie” McDonough’s Shamrock Pub [...]

1 09, 2016

STEAM at Artists for Humanity

2016-09-01T10:56:15-04:00September 1st, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on STEAM at Artists for Humanity

by Rick Winterson STEAM is a high-energy substance. It’s the driving force behind much of our civilization. It is also a word inspired by that technical abbreviation STEM: “STEAM” equals Science-Technology-Engineering- “ARTS”-and Math. STEAM is what Susan Rodgerson thought of when the members of her Artists for Humanity group put together a hugely impressive (and expressive) exhibition on Wednesday, August 17. It isn’t possible to discuss or even mention all of the individual works exhibited in STEAM. Many of them – perhaps a majority – show the influences of graphic arts, which has by now become an important genre or school of art on its own. But in viewing an exhibition as large as STEAM, it’s essential to look for a thread within all of [...]

1 09, 2016

Congratulations Nick and Olivia

2016-09-01T10:49:47-04:00September 1st, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Congratulations Nick and Olivia

Rep. Collins Marries Dr. Olivia Liff in Ceremony at Gate of Heaven Church Representative Nick Collins married his fiancée, Dr. Olivia J. Liff, in a wedding ceremony at Gate of Heaven Church on August 13, 2016. The ceremony was officiated by the Rev. Joseph M. White. The couple attended Boston Latin School together in the 1990s and were introduced by a mutual friend from South Boston in late 2014. When they met, Olivia was living in her home neighborhood of Jamaica Plain and was in midst of her medical residency at Boston Medical Center. The clinical part of her work took her to the South Boston Community Health Center and the Marian Manor. Rep. Collins had this to say about his bride, “I knew right [...]

1 09, 2016

Happy Labor Day from Our (Working) Neighborhood

2016-09-01T10:46:52-04:00September 1st, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Happy Labor Day from Our (Working) Neighborhood

Labor Day weekend is coming our way once again. by Rick Winterson If that statement seems to have overtones (undertones?) of sadness, well, South Boston Online guesses that it does. It has been a great summer, especially when contrasted with our forbiddingly snowy, recordbreaking winter. The summer in the Year of Our Lord 2016 really didn’t begin until well into June; the snow farm on Tide Street over in the Waterfront officially took till July 14 to disappear. The rest of the summer seemed to speed by. The Bard put it best in his 18th Sonnet, “ … And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:” Well, it’s time to put away the white clothes and the sunscreen, and get back to work. But [...]

25 08, 2016

Introducing Joseph Rocco

2016-08-25T10:00:34-04:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Introducing Joseph Rocco

By Kevin Devlin He grew up in Central New York but now hangs his hat in South Boston. His name is Joseph “Joe” Rocco. Joe attended Oneida High School in Oneida, New York. He played varsity football and baseball for all four years for the Oneida Royal Pride. He was a wide receiver and a center fielder in these respective sports. He was Tri-Valley First Team Player in both sports in his junior and senior years. Joe graduated from high school in 2004 and studied accounting at Hartwick College, a non-denominational, private, four-year liberal arts and science college located in Oneonta, New York. At Hartwick, Joe was a four-year starter on the varsity football team for his entire college career. In his junior year, the [...]

25 08, 2016

South Boston Catholic Academy Summer News

2016-08-25T09:58:13-04:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Real Estate|Comments Off on South Boston Catholic Academy Summer News

Highlights from the Early Childhood Summer Camp Program at South Boston Catholic Academy   It has been another wonderful summer at South Boston Catholic Academy!  The children in the Early Childhood Summer Program had a lot of fun while learning and exploring new things.  The camp ran for 7 weeks changing themes biweekly. The themes that were featured were: Sea Life, Community Helpers, Puppets and Fairy Tales and Cooking and Baking. The camp was so successful because of the large amount of support we received from our local business owners and resources.   A big thank you goes out to everyone who helped make it so special for our children! To highlight a few: Deborah Putnam, our Art Teacher, the New England Aquarium, Jill from [...]

25 08, 2016

Unity Day, 2016

2016-08-25T09:52:34-04:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Real Estate|Comments Off on Unity Day, 2016

by Rick Winterson     Unity Day has become another South Boston tradition, especially within the West Broadway Housing Development.  The 2016 event last Saturday, August 20, was no exception.  This is a celebration that is sponsored by the West Broadway Task Force, a highly active civic group presided over by our community’s own Betty Flaherty. There were activities galore for all ages and tastes.  The DJ played rhythmic dance music; a huge outdoor grille/kitchen served summer food.  Of course, there were many things to keep the kids busy and happy.  Mayor Marty Walsh put in appearance around noontime.  And there were numerous officials and local organizations who exhibited their services and activities. We only have room to mention a few:  a booth set up [...]

25 08, 2016

17th Annual South Boston Street Festival

2016-08-25T09:45:44-04:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on 17th Annual South Boston Street Festival

The South Boston Chamber of Commerce, working in conjunction with South Boston NDC – is pleased to announce that the 17th Annual South Boston Street Festival will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2016. Over the past sixteen years, the festival has grown significantly and has become South Boston’s most highly anticipated events,  attracting over 8,000 residents and visitors.   This year’s festival will once again feature “The Best of South Boston” including over 100 merchants, restaurants, artists and community organizations, which will fill East Broadway from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Live performances will take place on two stages providing festival goers with live entertainment throughout the day.   This year’s entertainment highlights include:   Thomas Park – Lead by front man Paul Eastman, [...]

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