Blog Medium Image2012-08-08T02:54:23-04:00

Honoring the Most Honorable Lives

Letter to the Editor: Raymond L. Flynn, former Mayor of Boston and former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican Attending morning Mass on Veterans Day was always a great opportunity to reflect on the many dedicated men and women who served our country in the military over these many years. There is always something special about thinking and praying for our [...]

By |November 15th, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Honoring the Most Honorable Lives

DAV5K Boston Race Honors Disabled Veterans

  SOUTH BOSTON SPORTS By Richard Campbell The  Veteran’s Day Weekend DAV5K race grows each year and is responsible for raising money to help over a million American Veterans each year with a myriad of services.  The Boston Castle Island trunk of the run is just one of six locations where the national event occurs but has special significance with [...]

By |November 15th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on DAV5K Boston Race Honors Disabled Veterans

2018 Veterans Day Weekend Observed

    It was a full weekend of solemnity, observances, and celebrations.  The activities commemorated two related occurrences – services rendered to America by its many military veterans, and the 100th Anniversary – the Centennial – of the first Armistice Day on November 11, 1918, when World War I combat ended.  South Boston suffered the loss of 103 “Fallen Heroes” during [...]

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  A Conversation with David Biele, 4th Suffolk Representative-Elect

by Rick Winterson   Tuesday morning, David Biele, the Representative-elect for the Fourth Suffolk District, which includes South Boston, stopped by our office at South Boston Online.  He will be replacing Nick Collins, who moved on to the Massachusetts State Senate seat that had been held by Linda Dorcena-Forry.  Nick then won that seat in his own right.  David will [...]

By |November 15th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on   A Conversation with David Biele, 4th Suffolk Representative-Elect

23rd Annual Schwartz Compassionate Health Care Dinner

By Richard Campbell The 23rd Annual Kenneth B. Schwartz Compassionate Healthcare Dinner graced the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center this past Thursday with well over 1,300 in attendance.  While many award dinners are kind of superficial entertainments, this event was marked for the depth of feeling and humility of the Schwartz Center’s extended medical family. In the age of increased [...]

By |November 15th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on 23rd Annual Schwartz Compassionate Health Care Dinner

Tynan School Standout on Friday

This is the mural whose painted words REALLY describe the Tynan School! “Safe, Kind, Responsible, Respectful”. The photograph says it all: it’s the mural overlooking South Boston’s Tynan School play area on Fourth Street. It reads, - TYNAN “Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be Respectful”. Unfortunately, last Wednesday morning, some vandal (or vandals) decided otherwise. These animals adorned several [...]

By |November 8th, 2018|Categories: Education|Comments Off on Tynan School Standout on Friday
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