How We’re Creating More Affordable Housing
Mayor Martin Walsh by Mayor Martin J. Walsh Boston is going through a period of historic growth- the kind our city hasn’t seen in decades. More people are choosing to put down roots and start families here. More businesses are choosing to open their doors here. Students from all over the world come to attend our universities and [...]
Boston Common Awareness Vigil
By Richard Campbell The Massachusetts State of Awareness Day which is part of the International Awareness Movement on the prevention and cure for addictions held a passionate public outreach event this past Saturday August 31 at the Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common. The day, which was proclaimed by Governor Charlie Baker, hosted multiple addiction and recovery organizations. The event, [...]
The 2018 Primaries
by Rick Winterson For an election that took place in a so-called “Off Year”, and was a Primary Election as well, the turnout was fairly strong at 25% of registered voters. Part of this was the action (or reaction) generated by the current climate in Washington. Another part was due to the high interest in certain campaigns run [...]
Election Endorsements Underscore Emotional Week
Former Senator Jack Hart, Harry Uhlman, Mark Rooney, Senator Nick Collins, Councilor Ed Flynn stopped at Medal of Honor Park to endorse Mark Rooney. We are reminded in the late passing of Senator John McCain, the importance of electing dedicated public servants to office and urge South Bostonians to cast their votes in the coming election Tuesday September 4th. [...]
Paw Sox Make Big Move to Worcester
By Richard Campbell According to various sources it’s official: The Boston Red Sox Triple A Paw Sox are moving to Worcester! Bill Ballou, sports writer for the Worcester Telegram & Gazette noted that the deal is sealed for 2021 season to open with the Red Sox minor league team in a brand-new stadium in downtown Worcester. Ballou, who has been [...]
Councilors Flynn, Baker Call for 20 MPH Speed Limit Hearing
Lower Speeds, Traffic Calming To Improve Road Safety For All Last week, Boston City Councilors Ed Flynn and Frank Baker called for a hearing to examine the merits of lowering the speed limit in the City of Boston to 20 MPH, unless otherwise posted, as well as a discussion of other traffic calming measures to improve road safety for all. [...]