24 10, 2017

Reebok Store Opens at 25 Drydock And How!

2017-10-24T13:03:30-04:00October 24th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Reebok Store Opens at 25 Drydock And How!

by Rick Winterson   South Boston Online found out about the opening of the Reebok Store – Reebok’s Flagship Retail Facility and its Signature Headquarters Store – at midday on Monday, October 23.  The Store is located at Reebok’s new global headquarters, 25 Drydock Avenue, on the ground floor of the Innovation and Design Building in South Boston. The opening was a sight to see – awesome crowds beyond count, and music spun by a Kiss 108 FM DJ, who seemed to be having more fun than anyone else.  Refreshments were courtesy of Loco’s on West Broadway.  Sneakers are obviously athletic shoes more than anything else – check their categories like “training”, “running”, and “classic”.  So, the guests of honor were the Patriots’ Brandin Cooks [...]

18 10, 2017

Condon “Friendship” Fundraiser at PubliCo NOV. 1

2017-10-18T14:50:35-04:00October 18th, 2017|Categories: Featured, Happenings, News|Comments Off on Condon “Friendship” Fundraiser at PubliCo NOV. 1

by Rick Winterson Would you please reserve just a few evening hours about two weeks from now? On Wednesday evening, November 1, from 5 to 8 p.m.? The EVENT: “The Condon “Friendship” Fundraiser – a crucial fundraiser to support new and enlarged programs at the Condon Community Center. The LOCATION: PubliCo on the corner of Dorchester and West First Streets - #11 Dorchester Street, to be exact. A word or few about PubliCo: It’s a bistro with the full name of “Public & Company Street Bistro & Garden”. But it’s more than that, especially inside. There is a garden space in the middle of PubliCo’s interior. It has been carved out with an interior design that’s intelligent, innovative, and creative. How else would it be [...]

28 09, 2017

Harry Uhlman’s 85th

2017-09-28T09:43:25-04:00September 28th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Harry Uhlman’s 85th

Jack Hart reprised his role as a favorite South Boston emcee last Saturday in the Boston Teachers Union Hall on Mt. Vernon Street, where he took the reins at Harry Uhlman’s 85th Birthday Party. He started the program by asking everyone to rise and sing “Happy Birthday” to Harry. And Jack then struck exactly the right note by mentioning that classic American popular song, “I’m Just Wild about Harry!”, because all of us there were wild about him (and still are). The reasons for this high esteem were evident. Many of the guest were “special kids”, all of whom have been dear to Harry’s heart for the last 25 years. They were having the time of their lives, socializing with perhaps as many as 500 [...]

28 09, 2017

Washington Village 235 Old Colony: First Signs Major South Boston Development

2017-09-29T15:39:32-04:00September 28th, 2017|Categories: News, Real Estate|Comments Off on Washington Village 235 Old Colony: First Signs Major South Boston Development

Richard Campbell DJ Properties Development plan for Washington Village is a huge project in full swing with the first of eight buildings being built, on a 5acre site, to include over 656 units, and nearly 100,000 square feet of retail shops- largely reinventing the moribund corridor on the corner of Dorchester Street and Old Colony Avenue outside of Andrew Square.  It looks small on a map, but it is about replacing 192,000 square feet of existing “obsolete and vacant” properties that also includes parking for about 600 cars. The architectural firm designing the buildings is Prellwitz Chilinski Associates, PCA, who are perhaps best known locally for transforming Northeastern University campus centers, and many landmark retail/restaurant designs in New England. Halvorson Design is hired for the [...]

21 09, 2017


2017-09-21T10:55:30-04:00September 21st, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on TOM TINLIN JOINS HOWARD STEIN HUDSON AS INSTITUTIONAL AND PRIVATE MARKETS DIRECTOR

Howard Stein Hudson (www.hshassoc.com), a firm delivering transportation and engineering solutions for clients in Boston and throughout the region since 1987, recently celebrated their 30th anniversary at their corporate headquarters at 11 Beacon Street in Boston. Howard Stein Hudson is pleased to announce that Tom Tinlin joins our firm,  as Institutional and Private Markets Director.  Tom has a natural understanding and a deep expertise in advancing projects to completion.  With 30 years of experience, including service as MassDOT’s Highway Administrator and Commissioner of Boston Transportation Department, Tom looks forward to help improving mobility and the built environment for the people of New England. “It is terrific to have Tom Tinlin join our team,” says Tom Stokes, Chief Executive Officer. “We know his expertise will advance [...]

13 09, 2017

Vietnam Memorial Rededicated

2017-09-13T15:23:18-04:00September 13th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Vietnam Memorial Rededicated

Medal of Honor recipient Ryan Pitts, US Army ( center) 25 year US Navy veteran Ed Flynn and former Mayor Of Boston and U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican Ray Flynn. by Rick Winterson OnSunday, September10, the 36th remembrance of the 25 South Boston veterans who gave their lives in Vietnam took place. A Memorial Mass was celebrated in St. Brigid Church at 10:30 that morning. The colors and the participants in the rededication of the Vietnam Memorial (the first in the nation) marched to the Memorial in MedalofHonorPark, arrivingatmid-day. Approximately200peoplehadgathered there to take part. It was fair and sunny. SpecialguestsincludedMedalofHonor recipientsRyanPittsandThomasKelley. John McDermott rendered the National Anthem. Fr. Robert Casey, Pastor of St. Brigid Church, spoke the Invocation, during which he also asked for prayers [...]

6 09, 2017

Countdown to Kindergarten #18

2017-09-06T17:41:53-04:00September 6th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Countdown to Kindergarten #18

by Rick Winterson To say the least, it was a festive and crowded occasion. Called “Countdown to Kindergarten”, it was the 18th Annual celebration of Boston’s young children, who were about to embark on their school years by entering kindergarten. And it was held at South Boston’s Children’s Museum on Tuesday, August 29. Perhaps as many as 1,200 kindergarten kids showed up, along with their families. It was quite a crowd. The exhibits inside the Museum were mobbed. The shows and activities put on by the Staff at Children’s Museum were non-stop and excellent. Best of all, they were informative, so that the kids could get a feel for their upcoming kindergarten adventure in a low-key, fun-filled way. Mayor Walsh was the guest of honor. [...]

30 08, 2017

Innovations at Boston Public Schools Get Full Test This Fall

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00August 30th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Innovations at Boston Public Schools Get Full Test This Fall

By Richard Campbell   This past July the Boston Public Schools signed a contract with nationally known Revolution Foods to provide school breakfast and lunches, in the hopes of significantly boosting nutrition and taste for meals consumed by Boston school students. Given the past reputation of the food at BPS that this writer saw in online forums, the move could not have come sooner. It was heralded in major media as a slam-dunk achievement for school superintendent Tommy Chang, who has faced other more intractable problems than finding better nutrition. In the official press release Mr. Chang said: “For many students, the meals they receive at school are their most nutritious of the day, Revolution Foods embraces our nationally-recognized efforts of making sure every student [...]

30 08, 2017

Sunday at the Seaport

2017-08-30T15:58:02-04:00August 30th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Sunday at the Seaport

by Rick Winterson Last Sunday afternoon, August 26, was memorable, in part because of the 2017 Jazz Fest in South Boston’s Maritime Park, in part because of how varied the South Boston Seaport vista has become, and in part due to Mother Nature’s gift of incredible weather.  It was an afternoon to walk leisurely from east to west in the Seaport District. The most prominent happening was the 2017 Jazz Fest, which took place in the South Boston Maritime Park at the northern end of D Street.  After resolving a few moisture-related problems, six groups played for seven hours – noon till 7 p.m.  Each one performed a full set of original works.  South Boston Online has space to review only one of those groups [...]

26 08, 2017

Mayor Walsh Visits West Broadway Unity Day

2017-08-26T19:43:50-04:00August 26th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Mayor Walsh Visits West Broadway Unity Day

  by Rick Winterson      It was very much to his credit that Mayor Martin J. Walsh dropped in at last Saturday’s West Broadway Unity Day celebration. Last Saturday was the day of the so-called “Boston Free Speech” Rally on Boston Common.  A permit allowing such a gathering was issued – fittingly so, because the Common (within hailing distance of the legendary “Liberty Tree”) has historically been the location of so many other examples of the free speech we enjoy in America.  The Rally itself drew only a few hundred participants.  However, a very large number of protesters – 50,000 or more – marched from Roxbury to the Common, including some members of Antifa. But wisely, the Mayor stuck to his pre-established schedule, arriving [...]

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