26 08, 2017

Groundbreaking Ceremony: Martin’s Park

2017-08-26T19:20:26-04:00August 26th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Groundbreaking Ceremony: Martin’s Park

  by Rick Winterson      To say that it was a “celebration” strikes the wrong note.  It was a “bittersweet” occasion.  But there was something “uplifting” or even “solemnly joyful” and “fitting” about breaking ground for the park at Children’s Museum dedicated to Martin Richard’s memory.  Martin Richard left us because of the Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013.  He won’t return, but Martin’s Park assures us that he’ll never be forgotten. Such it was by the Children’s Museum at 64 Sleeper Street early last Wednesday afternoon.  The sun shone brilliantly on an event formally called “Martin’s Park at Smith Family Waterfront, Groundbreaking Ceremony, 1:00 p.m., August 16, 2017”.  A crowd of perhaps as many as a thousand gathered across Fort Point Channel from [...]

17 08, 2017

Broadway – Both Old and New, Both East and West

2017-08-17T16:52:36-04:00August 17th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News, Real Estate|Comments Off on Broadway – Both Old and New, Both East and West

   “Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet …” The Ballad of the East and West" Rudyard Kipling, 1889   by Rick Winterson      First, a bit of local history:  Way back, Broadway was split into West and East Broadway at Perkins Square; the two east-west segments were (and still are) each about a mile long.  Over the years, West Broadway came to be known as “Big Broadway” because it was a much more popular place to go.  East Broadway, even though it had its own movie theater and a bowling alley, was called “Little Broadway”. Times changed, as they always do, and the attractions along “Big Broadway” began shrinking.  For many reasons, East Broadway became the [...]

17 08, 2017

Comicon Invades Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

2017-08-17T16:40:12-04:00August 17th, 2017|Categories: Lifestyle, News|1 Comment

  By Richard Campbell There is probably no building more suited to the Boston Comicon than the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, with its strikingly similar design to the Star Ship Enterprise, space geeks would most certainly feel right at home at this Fan Expo.  This past week August 11th-13th, a full scale invasion commenced, and no, I’m not referring to North Korea.  With well over 50,000 fans and 500 exhibits, the Comicon draws exhibitors from all over the country, but my non-scientific poll would place the majority of the fans to hail from New England. One thing that is very apparent, besides the scale of the event, is that it attracts a pretty diverse audience.  I was under the impression that the event would [...]

17 08, 2017

6th Annual Seafood Festival on a Roll

2017-08-17T16:20:31-04:00August 17th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on 6th Annual Seafood Festival on a Roll

The Conventures Crew posed during the Seafood Festival. by Richard Campbell Sunday August 13th proved to be perfect weather for the Boston Seafood Festival, a rustic promotional event of all things seafood that draws New Englanders from the industry to entertain visitors to the South Boston Seaport.  From the shucked shellfish, to witty chefs, campy music-crowds soon gravitated to standing room areas that supported plenty of beer.  Sponsored primarily by the Boston Fisheries Foundation to raise awareness of the state of the industry, as well as to promote products and services. The better part of the festival is locals offering their fresh seafood at cut rate prices. One of the most important items on the agenda is to get yourself some fresh oysters or cherry [...]

10 08, 2017

Dorchester Heights National Park Site Awaiting Repairs: Neighbors Complain Park is Going to the Dogs.

2017-08-10T11:05:49-04:00August 10th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Dorchester Heights National Park Site Awaiting Repairs: Neighbors Complain Park is Going to the Dogs.

By Richard Campbell The issue on hand is the de­teriorating condition of the Dorchester Heights monument, which has been closed for some time. Although the lawn is nice, the park is also badly in need of repairs to its stairs, and wall infrastructure. In the last deferred maintenance report for 2016, the Boston branch of NPS had deferred maintenance costs of $106,603,602, and we assume some part of that would belong to Dorchester Heights. It must be understood that the Heights is within the same NPS Boston branch that includes the Charlestown Navy Yard, and Bunker Hill Monument- both of which have received very expen­sive renovations. The USS Con­stitution’s restoration was just completed for 12 million, and Bunker Hill was done in 2007 for 3.7 [...]

9 08, 2017

Dorchester Heights National Park Site Awaiting Repairs: Neighbors Complain Park is Going to the Dogs.

2017-08-09T17:00:20-04:00August 9th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Dorchester Heights National Park Site Awaiting Repairs: Neighbors Complain Park is Going to the Dogs.

  By Richard Campbell The issue on hand is the de­teriorating condition of the Dorchester Heights monument, which has been closed for some time. Although the lawn is nice, the park is also badly in need of repairs to its stairs, and wall infrastructure. In the last deferred maintenance report for 2016, the Boston branch of NPS had deferred maintenance costs of $106,603,602, and we assume some part of that would belong to Dorchester Heights. It must be understood that the Heights is within the same NPS Boston branch that includes the Charlestown Navy Yard, and Bunker Hill Monument- both of which have received very expen­sive renovations. The USS Con­stitution’s restoration was just completed for 12 million, and Bunker Hill was done in 2007 for [...]

28 07, 2017


2017-07-28T09:37:15-04:00July 28th, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on ED FLYNN ENDORSED BY BOSTON FIRE FIGHTERS UNION

Ed Flynn, candidate for Boston City Council District 2, has been endorsed by Boston Fire Fighters Local 718.  This endorsement adds to the over 20 other local labor unions that have Flynn's campaign for City Council, including Ironworkers Local 7, IBEW Local 2222, and NAGE. Fire Fighters Local 718 President, Richard Paris said, “Boston Fire Fighters Local 718 is proud to endorse Ed Flynn for Boston City Council.  As a veteran and probation officer, Ed understands the importance of making public safety a top priority.  Ed will be a City Councilor who we can always trust to stand up for the community and support working families in every neighborhood in the District." Flynn said, “I am incredibly grateful to have the support of the Boston [...]

20 07, 2017

Amerigo Vespucci Arrives in Boston

2017-07-20T18:25:13-04:00July 20th, 2017|Categories: Featured, Happenings, News|Comments Off on Amerigo Vespucci Arrives in Boston

Crew of Amerigo Vespucci with Italian Ambassador, Armando Varricchio and General Counsel of Italy in Boston Nicola De Santis By Richard Campbell Dubbed the most beautiful ship in the world by Americans aboard an aircraft carrier who encountered it in 1962, it would be hard to imagine a more beautiful ship, or hospitable crew than The Amerigo Vespucci. Built in Castellammare di Stabia, it was originally launched in February 1931, and represents the best of the Italian Navy as a seaman training ship. It most assuredly retains its original luster. From Tuesday to Saturday morning the ship will be in port at the World Trade Center dock, and free tours are schedule in the evenings between 4:00pm and 6:00pm. South Boston Online was [...]

20 07, 2017

Tierney Center Programs Shine This Summer

2017-07-20T15:40:23-04:00July 20th, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Tierney Center Programs Shine This Summer

by Richard Campbell South Boston Online stopped in on this past Tuesday to the Tierney Learning Center to see the summer programs in action, where the positive energy of the staff and students interacting revealed a sense of community pride. The Tierney Center is a shared space that provides developmental learning, lunch programs in cooperation with the Boston Public Schools, South Boston Head Start, ESL and math education, hands on Arts programs, as well as reading materials access provide by the Boston Public Library. In other words, there are a host of programs designed to get young students up to speed in learning and social skills. In addition, there are some small programs for adults and limited computer access in their computer lab. During the [...]

12 07, 2017

A Dedication to Lori Miller

2017-07-12T16:00:11-04:00July 12th, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on A Dedication to Lori Miller

Next Wednesday evening, July 19, at 6 p.m., Medal of Honor Playground area will be dedicated and formally named for Lori A. Miller, a lifelong South Boston resident, and a person who truly deserves to be remembered. The Medal of Honor Park facing East Broadway between M and N Streets, was first named a few years ago to recognize MOH recipients during their convention in Boston. It is also the site of the nation’s first Vietnam War Memorial. The view from the park’s northerly side spans South Boston’s Reserved Channel, including the landmark Edison Power Plant– soon to be replaced with a new development – and the magnificent cruise ships that regularly call at Flynn Cruise port in the Black Falcon Terminal. Recently, The Cunard [...]

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