5 02, 2016

Dorchester Avenue project planning continues

2016-02-05T16:48:06-05:00February 5th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Dorchester Avenue project planning continues

By RICK WINTERSON South Boston Online presented an update in the Jan. 14 issue on the community effort to develop a coherent plan for developing the one-mile stretch of Dorchester Avenue that lies between Andrew Square and West Broadway.This climaxed six months of planning at Boston Redevelopment Authority-sponsored meetings featuring extensive community involvement. Indeed, this involvement was the key to the whole process so far. The first planning meeting of the New Year took place in MassBay Credit Union’s conference room on Wednesday, Jan. 27. It was very well attended by more than 75 participants from the South Boston community; BRA personnel continued their important roles as facilitators. The title of this meeting was “Draft with Us, Placemaking and Mobility Workshop.” Briefly, this meeting’s discussion topics consisted [...]

4 02, 2016

Reasons To Keep Airplane Cockpit Doors Locked

2018-02-04T06:36:34-05:00February 4th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on Reasons To Keep Airplane Cockpit Doors Locked

Lots of people use the Boston airport to reach various domestic and international designation. How safe do you feel while flying? Did you hear the story of the Germanwings' plane that may have been deliberately crashed by the co-pilot, while the pilot was locked out of the cockpit? Can you imagine being in a plane and having something like this happen? Following 9/11, we have all witnessed plenty of changes taking place in terms of cockpit security. The main goal was to try to make hijacking a lot more difficult. But what does the US Federal Aviation Administration have to say about doors and locks on cockpits? Let's find out! Cockpit Doors Should Withstand Grenade Blasts According to the American Federal Aviation Administration, cockpit doors [...]

3 02, 2016

Questions about Grand Prix of Boston races remain

2016-02-16T14:04:51-05:00February 3rd, 2016|Categories: Happenings, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Questions about Grand Prix of Boston races remain

By RICK WINTERSON Like all other areas of South Boston, Fort Point has its own civic group – the Fort Point Neighborhood Association. And like the seven other civic groups in South Boston, the FPNA has many questions about the proposed Grand Prix of Boston races this coming Labor Day weekend, Sept. 2-4, and on the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Labor Day weekends. The Grand Prix is also called the IndyCar Series; it has been held in many venues for more than 100 years. It is well-known as a spectacular racing event that attracts huge and enthusiastic crowds. The FPNA met with a four-person panel from Boston Grand Prix on Tuesday, Jan. 26, in The Children’s Museum on Sleeper Street. The Grand Prix/IndyCar panel [...]

3 02, 2016

Ash Wednesday services planned in South Boston

2016-02-03T14:57:32-05:00February 3rd, 2016|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Ash Wednesday services planned in South Boston

The South Boston-Seaport Catholic Collaborative invites you to begin the Season of Lent through the commemoration of Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, Feb. 10. Whether you have decided to give up M&Ms, swearing, or perhaps have decided to add extra works of charity into your life, start this sacred time in humility and simplicity ... and with a big, black cross on your forehead. We have services across South Boston throughout the day. Stop by our office at 307 West Broadway or call us at 617-268-8100 anytime during the work week for tips on how to make this Lent count. Ash Wednesday Schedule St. Peter (75 Flaherty Way - Parking Lot Available) 7:30 a.m. 9 a.m. 12:10 p.m. St. Monica (333 Old Colony Avenue) 7 pm Our Lady of Good Voyage (65 [...]

27 01, 2016

Drug series article No. 17: Addressing the ongoing crisis

2016-02-05T16:00:28-05:00January 27th, 2016|Categories: Happenings, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Drug series article No. 17: Addressing the ongoing crisis

This is No. 17 in South Boston Online’s series about drug use, abuse and addiction. The numbers are tragic. It is time to make a 2016 New Year resolution about the crucial issue of heroin - and we are being kind when we call it “an issue.” It’s at least an epidemic - more like an old-fashioned plague (deadlier than Ebola). You can help. Don’t let this continue. By RICK WINTERSON In his State of the Commonwealth speech last Thursday, Gov. Charlie Baker spoke eloquently about how dull his governing might seem, since he’s devoting his time to fixing things in the commonwealth – “minding the store.” But he made a key, specific point of singling out opioid abuse as a highly important issue. Baker [...]

27 01, 2016

The first substantial snowfall: A look before and after

2016-02-05T16:02:18-05:00January 27th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on The first substantial snowfall: A look before and after

Snow quickly accumulated during last week’s storm, so South Boston Online decided to capture the results in before and after images. Top: Andrew Square (looking across to the Southampton Street Bridge) was almost socked in with a heavy snowfall Saturday evening, even though Dunkin’ Donuts bravely kept its lights on. Bottom: On Sunday morning, the Dorchester Street/West Broadway intersection (looking toward the Kelly Bridge) was clear and sunny down to the pavement. Nice job, everyone. -Rick Winterson

27 01, 2016

Snow can’t slow a book sale at the South Boston Branch Library

2016-02-05T16:12:10-05:00January 27th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on Snow can’t slow a book sale at the South Boston Branch Library

Never let it be said that the literary scene in South Boston is somehow defeated or diminished by bad weather. The Friends of the South Boston Branch Library held their regular, periodic book sale Saturday, despite predictions of a snowstorm. The sales volunteers placed bookshelves outside, in utterly selfless defiance of Mother Nature and her wiles. The quick-frozen precipitation actually began before the book sale finished at its regularly scheduled closing hour of 3 p.m. Proceeds from the book sales go to support the Branch Library’s community activities that aren’t covered in the regular operating budget. The sale raised about $3,000. -Rick Winterson

25 01, 2016

Winter reminder: Space savers are for snow emergencies

2016-02-04T15:37:27-05:00January 25th, 2016|Categories: Happenings, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Winter reminder: Space savers are for snow emergencies

By South Boston Online staff If you value the traffic cone, lawn chair, trash barrel or other household objects you may have placed in your on-street parking spot, you may want to retrieve it. The city of Boston is collecting and throwing away these items. “Reminder for residents: No snow emergency was declared in Boston. Space savers will be removed as trash,” the city posted on its social media accounts Monday afternoon. Traffic cones and chairs were spotted on South Boston streets late Monday afternoon. Space savers are allowed for 48 hours after a snow emergency is declared, according to the city’s website. This weekend, the city had about 6 inches of snow according to the National Weather Service, though snowfall appeared to have been [...]

20 01, 2016

Updated flood maps shown at FEMA open house

2016-02-05T16:16:06-05:00January 20th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on Updated flood maps shown at FEMA open house

By RICK WINTERSON On Tuesday, Jan. 12, the Federal Emergency Management Agency held a well-attended Community Open House at the Boston Teachers Union Hall on Mt. Vernon Street. The primary purpose of the open house was to introduce Boston’s residents and landowners to FEMA’s updated “Flood Insurance Rate Maps.” Several hundred people attended, who kept coming and going throughout. The Open House was organized efficiently; the FEMA staff was well-informed and there was a pleasant buzz of interest. A bit of history: For decades, the federal government has provided flood zone maps to the public. The original maps were developed on the ground, using transits and telescopes. They were very useful, but current-day satellite technology (LiDAR) has allowed far more accurate flood maps to be made. [...]

20 01, 2016

Meet Abby, McRae, and Cara: Three girls enjoying life and staying busy

2016-02-05T16:32:57-05:00January 20th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Meet Abby, McRae, and Cara: Three girls enjoying life and staying busy

By KEVIN DEVLIN They are happy, young girls, all 12 years old, who are doing well in the classroom and keep themselves engaged in the world of sports. These girls agreed that if they lived in the White House, they’d stop terrorism, help the homeless, and attempt to make peace the order of the day throughout the world. They are Abby Colvin, McRae Wiederer and Cara DiMaggio. Abby Colvin is the daughter of Michelle and Brian Colvin. She also has two sisters, Vicky and Michaela, and three family cats named Lilly, Holly, and Kitty. She’s a sixth-grader at the Perry Elementary School in South Boston. Her favorite subject is science and someday she hopes to be a fashion designer. Her favorite color is sky blue [...]

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