16 12, 2020

Package Theft Surge

2020-12-16T11:31:09-05:00December 16th, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Package Theft Surge

The Boston Police Department’s Station C-6 on West Broadway held its December meeting of South Boston’s Neighborhood Advisory Council (the NAC).  Due to COVID-19, this meeting was held virtually; it was chaired by Capt. Joseph Boyle, the Commander of BPD Station C-6.  Capt. Boyle began the NAC meeting by reviewing various serious crimes, both in Boston overall and here in South Boston. The Captain said that several types of crimes are increasing, especially crimes of violence.  Complaints about loud parties late at night, including those that violate rules put in place to stop the spread of COVID-19, are also on the increase.  In addition, many more crimes against property are being committed, which adds to the rapidly growing workload at Station C-6 when these are [...]

11 11, 2020

Fitzgerald Post Unveils Centennial Plaque

2020-11-11T18:40:57-05:00November 11th, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Fitzgerald Post Unveils Centennial Plaque

by Rick Winterson   It was a joyful occasion – the Memorial gathering at the Thomas J. Fitzgerald VFW Post No. 561 on  Veterans Day in 2020, and the unveiling of the Post’s 100th Anniversary Centennial Plaque.  The Post was named for Thomas J. Fitzgerald, killed in action during World War I on July 19, 1918.  He was only 24; he died just five short months after he enlisted in the Army. Fitzgerald came from South Boston.  A resident at 224 Gold Street, he was the only WWI casualty from his Knights of Columbus chapter, so his friends and fellow K of C members founded a Veterans of Foreign Post in his name.  The Thomas J. Fitzgerald Post received its VFW Post No. 561 charter on [...]

31 08, 2020

Civil Fine of up to $300 for South Boston House Parties

2020-08-31T14:15:57-04:00August 31st, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Civil Fine of up to $300 for South Boston House Parties

Dear Neighbors, In recent months during this pandemic, many of you have contacted our offices out of great concern regarding largely attended house parties throughout the neighborhoods of South Boston. Please note that we share your concerns about these house parties, not only in terms of their noise and impact on the quality of life for our residents, but primarily due to their potential to become superspreader events in the age of COVID-19.  In the absence of medical and scientific breakthroughs, it is critical that each of us continue to follow public safety guidelines as this pandemic is not over, unfortunately.  The South Boston elected officials have also discussed these issues with city officials, as well as steps that have been taken to engage landlords [...]

11 06, 2020

Pride, faith, hard work will make for meaningful change

2020-06-11T09:18:10-04:00June 11th, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Pride, faith, hard work will make for meaningful change

Submitted by Ray Flynn former Mayor of Boston Boston Police officers are the best, and do their best to protect the people of Boston — from the hard working poor and middle income families to the vulnerable elderly. They are the first line of defense against violent criminals and gangs. Activists nationwide are calling for police departments to be defunded in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis — and that message has been echoed here.  Demands to cut the police budget and diminish the effectiveness and professionalism of our police officers is one of the most absurd proposals I have ever heard. Our police have done an outstanding job in protecting our decent, law abiding citizens and businesses, as they have [...]

5 06, 2020

State Police Association Response to UMass & MBTA

2020-06-05T17:24:02-04:00June 5th, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on State Police Association Response to UMass & MBTA

The State Police Association of Massachusetts represents the Sergeants and Troopers that make up the uniformed branch of the State Police. For over 150 years, the Massachusetts State Police has served the Commonwealth with distinction, through natural disasters, terrorist attacks, riots and other disturbances. In recent days, we have ensured the safe exercise of First Amendment protests across the Commonwealth and continue to deliver the highest quality of police service. We have stood with many peaceful gatherings of concerned citizens as they march to advocate for change to not only our justice system, but to how our nation as a whole dissimilarly treats its citizens. As to the events that were the catalyst for where we are today, let us be very clear: The State [...]

2 06, 2020

Thank You Boston Police Officers

2020-06-03T18:50:37-04:00June 2nd, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Thank You Boston Police Officers

Brianne Fitzgerald RN, NP The recent incomprehensible murders of black men in Georgia and Minneapolis have shaken even the most jaded among us.  Eleven weeks of COVID-19 quarantine were more than enough, and now we have faced man's inhumanity to man as well as our complicated relationship to race.  The world, as we knew it has changed.  We are changing along with it, and I am just not sure what we will look like as a community when and if the dust settles. The Boston Police Department, the oldest in the country, remains a beacon of hope and comfort for residents of our city.  Full disclosure:  I have no relatives or even any friends who are members of this outstanding department.  As one who works [...]

28 04, 2020


2020-04-28T17:32:07-04:00April 28th, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on MEDIA UPDATE:  COVID-19 TESTING AND MARIAN MANOR

From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Marian Manor in South Boston has taken numerous steps to support good hygiene, strong infection control and social distancing, all while providing the highly compassionate, high quality care for which it has long been recognized.  Today Marian Manor shared updated data about COVID-19 testing at is South Boston skilled nursing facility. Consistent with initial Department of Public Health recommendations, Marian Manor originally tested only symptomatic residents for COVID-19.  As of this past weekend, we were able to test nearly all our residents, with the support of DPH and the MA National Guard.  To date, we have a total of 103 COVID-19 positive residents a significant portion of the COVID-19 positive residents remain asymptomatic. We are saddened to report [...]

13 04, 2020

South Boston Convention Center Facility adds 1,000 beds to Massachusetts’ Healthcare System

2020-04-13T15:26:37-04:00April 13th, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on South Boston Convention Center Facility adds 1,000 beds to Massachusetts’ Healthcare System

Union construction workers are answering the call for more hospital beds, converting the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center into a 1,000 bed field hospital in just 3 days.  With the state's health care system facing a shortfall of thousands of beds, members from Sheet Metal Workers Local 17 worked around the clock to adapt the convention center's air system for the enormous temporary hospital.  Currently, there are over 40 patients (sixteen homeless) occupying the facility. Local 17 members working at J.C. Cannistraro had just days to complete the project before patients arrived. They jumped into action, adding filtration, modifying the rooftop ventilation units, and preparing isolation rooms to keep everyone safe. "Sheet Metal Workers Local 17 went above and beyond what’s expected of them," said [...]

6 04, 2020


2020-04-06T12:53:40-04:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on WHAT YOU DO IS APPRECIATED

Brianne Fitzgerald RN, NP So starts the Queen's speech to the citizens of Great Britain yesterday.  As we enter what is expected to be the most challenging phase of our collective Covid-19 experience, I beg all of us to follow both Mayor Walsh and Governor Baker's directives.  Specific to what Boston Mayor Walsh said on Sunday that there are real and manageable recommendations to follow. We do not live in a dictatorship.  We are expected to use common sense and follow the guidelines laid out by our leaders voluntarily.  These guidelines are more than reasonable and by following them you will do your part, perhaps save a life or flatten the curve.  In case you still need a few more deadening statistics to move you [...]

1 04, 2020


2020-04-02T09:16:54-04:00April 1st, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on THE SURGE IS COMING: STAY HOME, A PLEA TO THE PUBLIC

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes The surge is coming. The word is out. So, why then, are the people? The stats are everywhere and the outlook is grim. Despite the US death toll eclipsing China’s and continuing to rise at a staggering rate, it seems, for some, the severity of the situation is simply not sinking in. New York infectious disease epidemiologist, John Smith, succinctly conveyed how an outbreak like the Coronavirus spreads exponentially, “if your son visits his girlfriend, and you later sneak over for coffee with a neighbor, your neighbor is now connected to the infected office worker that your son’s girlfriend’s mother shook hands with”. Consider the power behind that fact, (and it is, indeed, a fact). Conversely, any break in that chain [...]

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