About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
11 12, 2018

SB Catholic Academy Jingle Bell 5K Run

2018-12-13T10:42:11-05:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: Education, Happenings|Comments Off on SB Catholic Academy Jingle Bell 5K Run

The Annual SBCA Jingle Bell 5K Run which was a huge success due to the endless efforts of all involved.  A huge Thank You goes to Mrs. Katie Marshman and Mr. Jeff Tassie, along with many other unsung heroes.  We are appreciative and grateful for all you do to help and support South Boston Catholic Academy!  It was so nice to see the many people, young and old, that came.  Some even brought their lovable family pets to join in the race.  Thank you to all who took part in this the event! It was great to see the students in grades 2 through 6 from South Boston Catholic Academy's Run Club, who also participated in South Boston Catholic Academy's Jingle Bell Run! Twenty student [...]

7 12, 2018

Winter Coats to Paraclete

2018-12-07T14:10:06-05:00December 7th, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Winter Coats to Paraclete

The staff of Community Services from South Boston’s Police Station C-6 brings winter coats – generously supplied by the Stone Foundation – to the Paraclete Center on E Street. These will keep their students warm all this winter long. Thank you, and Merry Christmas.   Winter coats have been distributed to Paraclete students by Station C-6 BPD Community Services and the Stone Foundation..

6 12, 2018

Lally Inducted into BRL International Hall of Fame

2018-12-07T19:13:11-05:00December 6th, 2018|Categories: News, Sports|Comments Off on Lally Inducted into BRL International Hall of Fame

HAMILTON TOWNSHIP, NJ…The Babe Ruth International Board of Directors during their recent annual meeting, unanimously elected George Lally of Norwood, Massachusetts into its Hall of Fame. Babe Ruth League, Inc. has more than just top of the line competition.  It has a legacy stacked with thousands of alumni who have given unselfishly of their time and resources to provide all young athletes with an enjoyable, healthy and educational experience. Babe Ruth League established a Hall of Fame in 1968 to honor those superstars who have played a vital role in the development of the baseball and softball program for young people 4-18 years of age.   George Lally is one of those superstars. Though he was unable to make the Babe Ruth team as a teenager, [...]

5 12, 2018

USS Hudner Visits South Boston for Her Commissioning

2018-12-05T15:01:55-05:00December 5th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on USS Hudner Visits South Boston for Her Commissioning

The destroyer USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116) docked at the Flynn Cruiseport on the Reserved Channel on Monday, November 26.  Week-long events and festivities ensued – guided tours, press events, and celebrations – leading up to her formal Commissioning on Saturday morning, December 1.  This article deals with a South Boston student visit to the Hudner and her Commissioning.   by Rick Winterson      The Commissioning of any U.S. Navy ship is a major event.  American fighting ships are the best way of broadcasting America’s military strength rapidly, massively, and completely.  South Boston was honored last week by serving as the host port for the U.S. Navy’s newest ship – Commissioned as the “USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116)” after a week-long series of observances.  [...]

2 12, 2018

2018 ABX Showcase Spectacular at the BCEC

2018-12-02T17:13:12-05:00December 2nd, 2018|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on 2018 ABX Showcase Spectacular at the BCEC

Connor McGuire, Steven Burke, Lisa Robbins Carrie Havey on Experts on Healthy Schools. By Richard Campbell This year’s ABX Conference showcased such depth in architecture, design, construction and innovation that the show’s program calling the event the “premier” forum in the field was no exaggeration. Running two full days at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center this past Wednesday and Thursday, this is a traditional trade show with added educational workshops and special events that cover  a wide variety of topics. Informa Global and Boston Society of Architects who produce the convention have partnered with an array of institutions.  The show drew thousands from the industry and offered free high-end publications. Some publishers like Kathy Bush- Dalton of New England Home came to [...]

2 12, 2018

Third Annual Seaport Light Up

2018-12-02T15:59:25-05:00December 2nd, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Third Annual Seaport Light Up

By Richard Campbell The third annual Light Up Seaport went off this past Friday December 1st, showing signs of Christmas coming.  The event supports Massachusetts Fallen Heroes and the Gavin Foundation, The Fort Point Arts Community, and the Friends of Fort Point Channel. A hefty crowd filled the Seaport Common, and the event was surrounded by other happenings on Seaport Blvd. At the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Voyage, carolers welcomed those passing by into a pop up preview concert. The smooth singing, handsome crooner Rich Di Mare headlined the evening with holiday tunes.  There was Santa letter making, cookie decorating and treats provided by local restaurants. The crowd was rather tightly packed as the Boston Children’s Chorus started caroling, and people were milling [...]

2 12, 2018

The Tree Market at Seaport Opens

2018-12-02T15:02:26-05:00December 2nd, 2018|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on The Tree Market at Seaport Opens

  by Rick Winterson       The Tree Market at Seaport opened for business last Thanksgiving weekend.  South Boston Online visited Joseph, James, and Ben on their Opening Day on Black Friday.  You should visit for your greenery needs this Christmas Holiday Season – trees (of course), wreaths, illumination, and more.  And the Tree Market is “green” in more ways than one.  Their trees and other goods are delivered by bicycle. When asked about this, Joseph chimed in to describe his bike trip all the way to the wilds of West Roxbury.  When asked whether South Boston Online could put in “Bike delivery anywhere in the City of Boston”, all of the Tree Market people – Joseph, James, and Ben – agreed that was accurate.  [...]

2 12, 2018

“The Partisans” Relocated, Rededicated

2018-12-02T14:57:05-05:00December 2nd, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on “The Partisans” Relocated, Rededicated

by Rick Winterson “The Partisans”, by Polish artist Andrzej Pitynski, is a striking quintet of mounted soldiers, an aluminum sculpture cast with a modern, impressionistic treatment – figurative in a way, but not fully so. It measures 33 feet long and 17 feet high, to the tips of the soldiers’ weapons. The five ghostly horsemen, who are carrying muskets that could also be lances, are exhausted, as mortally tired as the horses they ride upon. “The Partisans” depict so-called “cursed soldiers” – freedom fighters who fought against the Soviet Communist takeover of Poland in 1945, which trapped that nation behind the Iron Curtain for more than four decades. Sculptor Andrzej Pitynski has dedicated his magnificent work of art to “freedom fighters anywhere in the World”. [...]

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