About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
8 11, 2018

Tynan School Standout on Friday

2018-11-27T14:15:30-05:00November 8th, 2018|Categories: Education|Comments Off on Tynan School Standout on Friday

This is the mural whose painted words REALLY describe the Tynan School! “Safe, Kind, Responsible, Respectful”. The photograph says it all: it’s the mural overlooking South Boston’s Tynan School play area on Fourth Street. It reads, - TYNAN “Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be Respectful”. Unfortunately, last Wednesday morning, some vandal (or vandals) decided otherwise. These animals adorned several doors and walls on the Tynan School with obscene words. There is no need to repeat that language, but some of the words began with the letters “F” and “N”. Maybe these are the only words those vandals know. Enough said. The Tynan’s custodians responded immediately, painting over this graffiti as soon as the police had finished their investigation. But this incident is a disgrace [...]

8 11, 2018

Illuminous: Getting A Little Better with Each Year

2018-11-15T17:51:30-05:00November 8th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Illuminous: Getting A Little Better with Each Year

By Richard Campbell Illuminous is an annual Downtown Crossing art event that draws a little larger crowd each year as the recovery process of the once moribund shopping district has been springing back to life. As far as art installations are concerned the show was a combination of conceptually challenging, space age beauty and quirky events. For its fourth annual installment it was a cold windy night this past Saturday, but nevertheless plenty of young people seemed to be having a good time. Often the projections on the side of buildings are the most interesting part of this street art exhibit, as some of the interactive aspects were a little underwhelming. Jennymae Kho’s “New American Scholar”, as series of famous literary quotes and portraits from [...]

8 11, 2018

Secure Voting Machines: The MIT Solution Already Exists

2018-11-15T17:45:42-05:00November 8th, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Secure Voting Machines: The MIT Solution Already Exists

By Richard Campbell As the election results are coming in this writer decided to look a little more deeply into the 20-year-old voting machine debacle. Many Americans believe they are informed regarding the integrity of our outdated system of voting. Our technology challenged officials either claim there are no serious problems, or they can’t be fixed in a reasonable time. The New York Times issued a recent editorial entitled “Elections Could be Hacked, Vote Anyway.” The article basically said we should vote to show the Russians we haven’t been influenced by their manipulation of the elections, even though there is clear evidence that our voting system is vulnerable. Just remember this: it’s not how you vote, it’s how your vote is counted. Forget about social [...]

8 11, 2018

Cardinal O’Malley Visits: With Thanks for 125 Years of Faith

2018-11-27T14:41:07-05:00November 8th, 2018|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Cardinal O’Malley Visits: With Thanks for 125 Years of Faith

  By Richard Campbell The parishioners of Our Lady of  Częstochowa gave Thanksgivings a little early this year with an elaborate celebration that included a special visit from the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean O’Malley to celebrate their churches’ 125th anniversary. Distinguished guests from near and far crowded in with the congregation for a mass that moved beyond the traditional Catholic ceremony to include testimonies of faith and remembrances of the church that is the magnet for the Polish community in New England.  This would be the first official visit of the Cardinal to the church, and accordingly many detailed preparations for this service were in evidence. High above the sanctuary that was heavily adorned with beautiful red and white flowers, Our Lady of Częstochowa [...]

8 11, 2018

Armistice Day at 100

2018-11-27T14:45:01-05:00November 8th, 2018|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Armistice Day at 100

  In America of course, we now call November 11 “Veterans Day”.  That is highly fitting, in memory of all our military veterans.  During World War I, American forces joined with European forces, clinching the Armistice on Monday morning, November 11, 1918, at 11 o’clock – exactly 100 years ago.  President Eisenhower changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954.  Were you aware that 103 military men from South Boston perished in WW I?   by Rick Winterson      This is the three-day Holiday weekend of Veterans Day.  Veteran’s Day itself takes place this Sunday, November 11.  This observance started 100 years ago in 1918, when the Armistice ending combat in Europe during World War I was put into effect on November 11 – [...]

7 11, 2018

South Boston Catholic Academy Celebrates All Saints Day

2018-11-27T16:01:27-05:00November 7th, 2018|Categories: Education|Comments Off on South Boston Catholic Academy Celebrates All Saints Day

South Boston Catholic Academy News Celebrating All Saints Day!  On November 1, 2018 the 5th and 6th graders of South Boston Catholic Academy traveled to Catholic TV in Watertown to celebrate the All Saints Day Mass on TV with Father Robert Casey, our Pastor.  Each student dressed up as one of their favorite saints.  While at school, we all celebrated the All Saints Day Mass at St. Brigid Church with Father Patrick Nolan, SJ, in which the 4thgraders took part in.  All the students did a wonderful job participating in both these Masses. On November 6, 2018 we enjoyed our Fall Open House, where we welcomed many prospective families to check out what makes South Boston Catholic Academy so special!  The school offers tours on Tuesdays and [...]

1 11, 2018

Moms’ Club Teal Pumpkin Project Celebration

2018-11-15T17:26:16-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Moms’ Club Teal Pumpkin Project Celebration

by Rachel Pearson On Saturday, October 20th, MOMS Club of South Boston members and families gathered together for a Teal Pumpkin Project themed Halloween Party at the South Boston Neighborhood House. The Teal Pumpkin Project is a nationwide movement that encourages offering non-food treats in addition to traditional candy/ food items to trick-or-treaters at Halloween. It is a way for children with food allergies, diabetes, celiac disease, among other medical conditions and limited diets, to enjoy a safer and happier holiday. Children at the party enjoyed live entertainment and non-food treats in a celebration that also served to announce the MOMS Club’s involvement i n our neighborhood ’s annual Trick-or-Treating on Broadway. As part of this inclusive celebration, the MOMS Club of South Boston together [...]

1 11, 2018

Collins Presides Over Senate Senate

2018-11-27T14:43:49-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Collins Presides Over Senate Senate

For Immediate Release Signs supplemental budget, civics education bill, and adjourns in memory of victims in Pittsburgh   BOSTON- State Senator Nick Collins brought the Senate to order this week, gaveling in and presiding over a session that included the passage of  major statewide policy legislation, including a civics education bill, a supplemental spending plan with an emphasis on public health and the substance abuse epidemic, a municipal naloxone bulk purchasing program, collective bargaining agreements for UMass Boston and the Suffolk County Sherriff’s Office, and $70 million in relief for struggling hospitals and community health centers through the Health Safety Net Trust Fund. The supplemental budget creates a Municipal Naloxone Bulk Purchase Trust Fund, allowing municipalities, nonprofits, and Sheriff Departments to join the program and [...]

1 11, 2018

How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

2018-11-15T17:02:39-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

By Mayor Martin J. Walsh This year is shaping up to be one of the strongest years in Boston’s history. We’ve continued to add 20,000 new jobs each year, and we’ve brought unemployment down below 4 percent. And perhaps most importantly, we’ve made a plan to ensure that the benefits of Boston’s booming economy are enjoyed by everyone who calls this city home. We’re making record investments in affordable housing, sidewalks and bike lanes, community policing, libraries, and schools. Through our BuildBPS plan, we are making bold investments in our educational infrastructure, so that every school has the resources to provide a comprehensive, 21st century education for Boston’s young people. I am proud of the progress that Boston has made this year in so many [...]

1 11, 2018

How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

2018-11-27T16:31:30-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

Letter to the Editor: By Mayor Martin J. Walsh This year is shaping up to be one of the strongest years in Boston’s history. We’ve continued to add 20,000 new jobs each year, and we’ve brought unemployment down below 4 percent. And perhaps most importantly, we’ve made a plan to ensure that the benefits of Boston’s booming economy are enjoyed by everyone who calls this city home. We’re making record investments in affordable housing, sidewalks and bike lanes, community policing, libraries, and schools. Through our BuildBPS plan, we are making bold investments in our educational infrastructure, so that every school has the resources to provide a comprehensive, 21st century education for Boston’s young people. I am proud of the progress that Boston has made this [...]

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