Tynan School Standout on Friday
This is the mural whose painted words REALLY describe the Tynan School! “Safe, Kind, Responsible, Respectful”. The photograph says it all: it’s the mural overlooking South Boston’s Tynan School play area on Fourth Street. It reads, - TYNAN “Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be Respectful”. Unfortunately, last Wednesday morning, some vandal (or vandals) decided otherwise. These animals adorned several doors and walls on the Tynan School with obscene words. There is no need to repeat that language, but some of the words began with the letters “F” and “N”. Maybe these are the only words those vandals know. Enough said. The Tynan’s custodians responded immediately, painting over this graffiti as soon as the police had finished their investigation. But this incident is a disgrace [...]