About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
7 07, 2016

Introducing Jack Feeney

2016-07-07T10:40:11-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Introducing Jack Feeney

He’s a polite, shy, young teenager who enjoys living in South Boston. His name is Jack Feeney. Jack, 14, is the son of Donna and Mark Feeney. He also has a dog he loves to pieces named Shadow, a black Labrador. After being schooled at the South Boston Catholic Academy he just finished the eighth grade at Boston College High School. He did well in school, Honor Roll grades, and loves going to science class. His favorite food is pizza, his favorite color is red, and his favorite professional athlete is Bruins goalie, Tuukka Rask. In the world of sports, Jack started his adventures in the world of hockey when he was five years old and his parents enrolled him in the Learn to Skate [...]

7 07, 2016

Tynan Summer Camp Fun in the Sun Begins

2016-07-07T10:36:30-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Tynan Summer Camp Fun in the Sun Begins

The Boston Public Schools may be closed for the summer vacation, but the community centers are open, and the “Fun and the Sun” summer camp counselors are busy keeping youngsters busy. These summer camps, coordinated by the South Boston Summer Collaborative, are held at the South Boston Neighborhood House (617-268-1619), the South Boston Boys and Girls Club (617-268-4301), the Condon Community Center (617-635-5100), and the Tynan Community Center (617-635-5110). “The South Boston Summer Collaborative is an association of South Boston’s leading youth serving agencies. The purpose of this collaborative is to provide…members with opportunities for growth and development in physical, educational, social, and cultural skills.” These sites offer a variety of programs for children aged six through fourteen. Overall, the four programs include sports games, [...]

29 06, 2016

Youth Fitness Program Begins July 5th

2016-06-29T15:28:59-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Youth Fitness Program Begins July 5th

The South Boston Leadership Initiative is offering a free Youth Fitness Program for eight weeks during the summer beginning Tuesday, July 5th at M Street Beach.  The Center for Youth and Families – Curley Community Center will be co-hosting the program, and it’s open to anyone between the ages of 12-18.  The program has extended the overall length of the program this season thanks to Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and the DCR.  Students aged 15-18 will meet every weekday from 730-900am and students aged 12-14 will meet from 900-1030am.  For more information and to sign up, please visit: www.SouthBostonLeadership.org.

29 06, 2016

Fourth of July food for thought

2016-06-29T15:20:36-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Fourth of July food for thought

   On the Fourth of July we celebrate our Freedom. We celebrate Democracy. Liberty and Democracy is indeed precious to all Americans. We must never forget how lucky we really are as we ponder the fate of other people in distant lands. We are fortunate that we live in this great country. We reflect and give thanks for our blessed condition in life. We salute our Founding Fathers and commend their wisdom which established the greatest constitutional form of government in the world. For all that and much more, we must never forget or let this Union fall by the wayside. Here are some quotes for you to read as you enjoy the Fourth of July: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [...]

29 06, 2016

Unity Day at Old Colony

2016-06-29T14:56:57-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Unity Day at Old Colony

Annual event held in the Perkins Schoolyard On Saturday, June 25, the Old Colony Tenant Association held their annual South Boston Unity Day in the Perkins Schoolyard, which is located within the Old Colony Development. The weather was welcoming as youngsters and adults alike enjoyed the day’s festivities. The younger kids enjoyed the bouncy house and the older youngsters played various games including basketball. “The Old Colony Tenant Task Force and O’Shea House volunteers celebrated their annual Unity Day for the South Boston neighborhood this past Saturday,” wrote Kristin Taylor, the Director of the Joseph M. Tierney Learning Center. “This team worked tirelessly to secure donations to purchase food and beverages, raffle prizes, and goodies for the community, arranged activities and a ‘Field Day’ for [...]

29 06, 2016

Rugby Comes to Southie

2016-06-29T14:49:30-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured|Tags: |Comments Off on Rugby Comes to Southie

The Rugby Rookie League is ready to start up in South Boston (tonight, June 30, at Moakley Field on the soccer pitch, 6 p.m.).  It’s for beginners, 8- to 12-year-olds, both boys and girls.  No previous rugby experience is necessary.  Learn fitness, skilled teamwork, and respect for your fellow rugby players.  These are the keys to playing rugby well.    In an interview on Monday, June 27, with Bill Good, himself a rugby veteran and now the President of MYRO (the Massachusetts Youth Rugby Organization), he spoke of how popular the sport of rugby has become – both around Boston and all over the world.  For the first time, rugby will be an official Olympic sport at the upcoming Games in Rio de Janeiro.  There’s [...]

29 06, 2016

“Dreambook” a Success

2016-06-29T14:46:48-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on “Dreambook” a Success

The FPTC (Fort Point Theatre Channel) is a group of performing artists, loosely arrayed along the South Boston side of the Fort Point Channel.  Its most recent production was “DREAMBOOK:  A New Orleans Story”, by Dan Osterman (Book) and Nick Thorkelson (Songs).  “Dreambook” was directed by Jaime Carillo and produced by Marc Miller.  The venue for its six June performances was the Boston Playwrights’ Theatre on Commonwealth Avenue. “Dreambook” is a drama with music – good music.  It deals with issues of free people of color on New Orleans, free thinking and its consequences, and artists and poets like Walt Whitman, who fell in love with (and in) New Orleans on his first visit there in 1848 – 13 short years before the Civil War.  [...]

29 06, 2016

Father Joseph M. White – 25 Years as a Priest

2016-06-29T14:41:51-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Father Joseph M. White – 25 Years as a Priest

It was an event filled with joy – there’s no other word but “Joy” for Father Joseph M. White’s 25th Anniversary as a dedicated Catholic priest.  Last Saturday, around 500 people, many of them from South Boston, joined him in a jam-packed Mass of Gratitude at St. Joseph Catholic Church, which is located in Father Joe’s new parish in the West End on Cardinal O’Connell Way.  A sumptuous, and again a jam-packed, Celebration then followed in the Church Hall.  Fr. Joe’s 25th was truly spirited, in the deepest meaning of that word. The two early readings in the Mass came from Elijah and St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians.  Father Joe read Luke’s Gospel of the village in Samaria, where each listener asked Jesus questions [...]

29 06, 2016

Collins Lauds Boston Latin Selections

2016-06-29T14:29:46-04:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Collins Lauds Boston Latin Selections

Collins Lauds Selection of Mr. Contompasis as Interim Superintendent of Boston Latin School Earlier this week, Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Dr. Tommy Chang, Superintendent of the Boston Public Schools, announced that Michael Contompasis will be the interim headmaster of Boston Latin School. Mr. Contompasis, a Latin School alumnus, served as headmaster of his alma mater from 1976 to 1998.  Beginning in 1998, he served as chief operating officer of the Boston Public Schools before taking over as BPS superintendent from 2005 to 2007. Since his departure from public service, Mr. Contompasis has been an advocate for the non-profit Mass Insight Education. State Representative Nick Collins, alumnus of Boston Latin School under Mr. Contompasis, praised the decision.  “I applaud Mayor Walsh for appointing Michael Contompasis as interim headmaster of Boston Latin [...]

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