20 07, 2016

Fun in the Sun

2016-07-20T14:59:06-04:00July 20th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Fun in the Sun

By Chris Devine It is a pleasure to be back at the Tynan Community Center for the Fun in the Sun Summer program. My name is Chris DeVine and I am in my second year as the Camp Director. During the year, I work as a Guidance Counselor in the High School as well as a basketball coach. I have been a guidance counselor for the past three years and this something that I truly enjoy. My true passion lies with basketball and I’m fortunate enough to be a coach.  This allows me to take what I have learned over the years and give back to the students. I played in college at Western New England University in Springfield, Massachusetts. After obtaining my Bachelor’s degree, [...]

20 07, 2016

Teen Beach Party Fun

2016-07-20T14:47:14-04:00July 20th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Teen Beach Party Fun

   The Condon Community Center joined forces with the Curley Community Center on Wednesday, July 13, in a party sponsored by the Boston Centers for Youth and Families (the BCYF).  It was a young peoples’ blast, with a DJ, water fun, beach games, a balloon man, and of course, a lot of hot dogs and hamburgers. What would a teen party be without a balloon man – he was a clever guy! Doing the Limbo at the teen party on the Curley Center’s beach. Calling out lucky numbers with the teen party hostess and the DJ. And of course there was fun in South Boston’s squeaky clean water. Hot dogs and hamburgers galore at the teen [...]

20 07, 2016

Collins Votes for Equal Pay

2016-07-20T14:20:21-04:00July 20th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Collins Votes for Equal Pay

  State Representative Nick Collins (D-South Boston) joined his colleagues in the House of Representatives in passing legislation to ensure that men and women receive equitable compensation for comparable work. The bill prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in the payment of wages for comparable work unless the variation is based upon a mitigating factor including seniority (provided that paternal, family, and medical leave don’t reduce seniority); a system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production, sales, or revenue; education, training or experience.   “I am proud to have been a part of this landmark legislation” said Rep. Collins. “There is no reason why my any woman should be paid less for equal work. It is about time we set clear guidelines [...]

14 07, 2016

South Boston at Its Best

2016-07-14T12:27:20-04:00July 14th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on South Boston at Its Best

by Rick Winterson   There’s little or no question that South Boston is an extremely desirable neighborhood to live in.  We have become America’s urban hometown.  What makes South Boston so special?  Perhaps taking a look at the recently completed month of June will help answer that question. June, 2106, was (as always) sandwiched between late May, which featured events like the opening of the Lawn on D and the solemnities of Memorial Day itself, and the weekend of the Fourth of July, when the Esplanade festivities took place and the Queen Mary 2 docked at Black Falcon.  Well, this is a marvelous framework for any month, but it is not the month of June itself. So, South Boston Online will confine our comments to [...]

14 07, 2016

Bombard New Director

2016-07-14T12:26:19-04:00July 14th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on Bombard New Director

Social services agency Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Boston (CCAB) today announced that current deputy director of South Boston’s Catholic Charities Labouré Center Jake Bombard has been named its new director effective July 12, 2016. Bombard will succeed longtime director Sr. Maryadele Robinson, who joined Catholic Charities Labouré Center in 1988 and led the organization through a period of significant evolution. Sr. Maryadele Robinson will remain at Labouré and become involved in direct service, while continuing to help raise funds to support its programs. According to CCAB President, Deborah Kincade Rambo, LICSW, “Jake’s political experience and strong ties to the South Boston community makes him a tremendous asset to our team. We are proud to have him as our new Director of Catholic Charities [...]

14 07, 2016


2016-07-14T12:25:31-04:00July 14th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on REP. COLLINS VOTES TO SUPPORT COMPLETE STREETS GRANT PROGRAM

Last week, State Representative Nick Collins joined his colleagues Massachusetts House of Representatives to pass transportation legislation on the Complete Streets initiative.   The bill transitions the Complete Streets initiative, currently a part of Chapter 90 funding, into a municipal grant program.  This initiative aims to enhance safety and accessibility for multi-modal transportation which includes transportation geared towards pedestrians and cyclists. To qualify for the grant program municipalities must:   Attend a training program; Adopt a Complete Streets by-law that has been subject to a public hearing; and Create a Complete Streets prioritization plan.   “This bill will help catalyze important improvements to our transportation system in the City of Boston and throughout the state” said Rep. Collins.  “By incentivizing the Complete Streets program, we [...]

14 07, 2016

The Club’s Fun in the Sun

2016-07-14T12:24:38-04:00July 14th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on The Club’s Fun in the Sun

Per usual I enjoyed my visit to the South Boston Boys and Girls Club as I walked around taking pictures of staff and Club members enjoying their time in the “Fun in the Sun” program. On the first floor of the renovated Club I saw kids playing on computers and engaged in various games. In the art room I saw youngsters listening to instructions from their art teacher and then they went about drawing and painting. I went into the gym and took and a couple of pictures and then downstairs to the pool and watched the kids splashing and swimming; and truly having fun. Then I went upstairs and saw kids playing paddle ball, ping pong, hockey, and pool. Other younger kids were in [...]

14 07, 2016

2016 Club Cruise Sailed – and Jumped.

2016-07-14T12:24:11-04:00July 14th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on 2016 Club Cruise Sailed – and Jumped.

The boarding of the Provincetown II began at 6:30 p.m. last Wednesday evening, July 6; it embarked for the evening promptly at 7.  The occasion:  the 2016 Annual Boys & Girls Club Cruise – a South Boston fundraising tradition.  This Cruise is named in honor of a departed Clubhouse Angel:  It’s now called the Mary Binda Memorial Harbor Cruise You might recall the temperatures in Boston last week.  They were blistering, peaking into the 90s on occasion; the weeknights, even after dark, weren’t much better.  But an easterly sea breeze made the Cruise ever so much better.  A Massport fireboat greeted the Provincetown II with 500 gallon per minute sprays.  The dancing was non-stop and enjoyable without anyone getting overheated – not that one would [...]

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