About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
2 12, 2018

Accurate Information Required for Public Good

2018-12-02T14:52:58-05:00December 2nd, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Accurate Information Required for Public Good

Letters to the Editor By Raymond L. Flynn, Former Mayor of Boston and Former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican. After attending Mass on Sunday at St. Brigid Church in South Boston, one of the parishioners came over to me and said, “Mr. Mayor, I heard you on WBZ radio last night and really liked what you had to say about several current important issues, especially the call you received from a family member of former Massachusetts AFL-CIO President Arthur Osborn. As you said, many union workers are being mistreated by big companies, which is very unfair. National Grid is a public utility and its workers’ families should not be denied health care during the ‘lockout’ and striking hotel workers had a valid concern for a [...]

2 12, 2018

South Boston Catholic Academy News

2018-12-02T14:48:58-05:00December 2nd, 2018|Categories: Education|Comments Off on South Boston Catholic Academy News

We want to say a special Thank you to all the members of our 2018-2019 South Boston Catholic Academy Student Council. With help and advice by our Guidance Counselor, Ms. Meghan Logue. This year’s South Boston Catholic Academy Student Council has been off to a great start working on fundraisers and community service projects. They are a hardworking group of students. We thank the South Boston Catholic Academy 6th grade officers for running the pink ribbon fundraiser to support the Ellie Fund for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and helping with the collection of the Halloween candy to be delivered to the troops overseas. They also helped out at our schools Annual Halloween Dances. Our student council lead our Food Drive to ensure that the St. [...]

29 11, 2018

Laboure Christmas House Tours This Weekend

2018-12-02T14:49:53-05:00November 29th, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Laboure Christmas House Tours This Weekend

by Rick Winterson This article is really just a reminder – it will serve to remind you of the very best way to begin the Christmas Season here in South Boston: South Boston’s 28th Annual Christmas House Tour is at hand. There are actually two House Tours: A Twilight Tour this Saturday, December 1, 4 to 6 p.m., followed by an evening reception in the Laboure Center at D and West Broadway; and a Daytime Tour on Sunday, the 2nd, 12 noon to 4 p.m. These House Tours are presented by the Catholic Charities Laboure Center. Please contact 617- 464-8500 for more information and tickets - $50 on Saturday evening; $25 (in advance) on Sunday afternoon. Here’s another reminder for you: The “Shoppe at Laboure” [...]

28 11, 2018

Mayor Walsh Announces Expanded Partnership With Verizon, Bringing More Choices to Residents

2018-12-02T16:09:20-05:00November 28th, 2018|Categories: Business, News|Comments Off on Mayor Walsh Announces Expanded Partnership With Verizon, Bringing More Choices to Residents

Verizon will accelerate small cell deployment for additional wireless broadband capacity, bring Fios Internet and TV to all city neighborhoods, and provide Verizon Smart Communities products and services. Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Verizon today announced a new partnership that will accelerate Boston’s plan to be one of the most technologically advanced cities in the nation, giving residents more choice. Building on the partnership formed in 2016, Verizon will expand its local wireless network speed and capacity to its local 4G LTE network, expand Fios internet and cable television to all neighborhoods in Boston, and collaborate with Boston on Smart Communities solutions. “Our partnership with Verizon reflects one goal: to make sure all of Boston’s residents have access to the most advanced digital technology both [...]

26 11, 2018

Toys for Tots:  Christmas in Southie

2018-11-27T13:06:34-05:00November 26th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Toys for Tots:  Christmas in Southie

by Rick Winterson   “Toys for Tots” for Greater Boston is located here in South Boston.  It’s on the Eighth Floor of the Design Center (formally called the “Innovation and Design Building”) at 21 Drydock Avenue.  You can visit there to drop off donated toys, which are then distributed by U.S. Marine Corps personnel working there, along with many, many volunteers.  The total effect of the “Toys for Tots” annual efforts at Christmastime are nothing short of colossal. Last Tuesday, November 20, Mayor of Boston Martin J. Walsh took some time from his own busy Holiday schedule to visit “Toys for Tots” in the Design Center.  He took a brief tour of the facility, along with Vinnie Dolan and Major DeVries, USMC, who came in [...]

22 11, 2018

Thanksgiving Day

2018-11-26T18:15:39-05:00November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Thanksgiving Day

 by Rick Winterson   To state the obvious, Thanksgiving Day tomorrow (November 22, 2018) will be a day set aside to offer gratitude for our lives in America, along with  all that we have and enjoy.  There never has been (and perhaps never will be) a nation like the United States of America.  On their first Thanksgiving, held in October of 1621, the Pilgrims sensed this about their “New World”, even though they had lost half their number to disease and deprivation, during their voyage on the Mayflower and after they landed here in Plymouth on December 21, 1620. The first Thanksgiving was really a Harvest Festival.  No cranberries were served – they grew wild back then and the Wampanoag Indians used them only as [...]

22 11, 2018

Antiquarian Book Fair: Local Vendors Lead the Way

2018-11-27T13:23:15-05:00November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Antiquarian Book Fair: Local Vendors Lead the Way

By Richard Campbell The 42nd Annual Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair ran November 16-18 at the Hynes Convention Center attracting booksellers from around the world, as well as some great vendors from New England. This is a free event that is sufficiently entertaining for book people, and a source for truly unique gifts. The limited edition, first edition priceless older books of all kinds, collections of maps, memorabilia and framed art bespoke of the vast great world of quality printing and design.  The first thing one notices about this fair is the decidedly older demographic of the event, with enthusiasts and vendors alike dressed professionally in clothes made of quality materials with the gentile expectation of doing business. Amidst the booths of precious leather-bound books, [...]

22 11, 2018

Sellout at Collaborative Comedy Night

2018-11-27T13:27:00-05:00November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Sellout at Collaborative Comedy Night

  by Rick Winterson      As South Boston Online promised in its last issue, the Annual Comedy Night, a laugh-filled party courtesy of the South Boston Collaborative Center, was a great success.  The Collaborative’s Comedy Night was held last Friday evening, November 16, in Florian Hall.  A full house of between 250 and 300 guests formed a responsive audience, who were ready to have a great time while supporting the Collaborative (both of which they certainly did). The high point of the evening was the presentation of the Annual Darlene Sheehan “Beacon of Hope” Awards.  The two 2018 recipients – George McEvoy and Dennis McLaughlin – are members of the ILA (the International Longshoremen’s Association).  Collaborative Executive Director Andy Ward served as Emcee; Sen. [...]

22 11, 2018

ICA Gallery Review: Interactive Arts for the Holidays

2018-11-27T13:26:34-05:00November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on ICA Gallery Review: Interactive Arts for the Holidays

By Richard Campbell It is not often that the visual arts attempt to engage the audience into playing on a jungle gym, but William Forsythe’s “Choreographic Objects” currently installed at the ICA in the Seaport gives the viewer room to romp.  The choreographer’s experience-based works  coincide with his residency at the Boston Ballet, and would be considered a collaborative effort, bridging the visual arts, writing, and choreography.  Where many conceptual artists come to this kind of work without in-depth experience in dance, William Forsythe is coming from a life-long career in classical ballet. After having worked for the Stuttgart Ballet,  he was director of Ballet Frankfurt for twenty years, and formed his own Forsythe Company between 2005 and 2015.  All that experience adds a power [...]

22 11, 2018

Opening Reception:  Society of Arts + Crafts

2018-11-26T17:03:25-05:00November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Opening Reception:  Society of Arts + Crafts

       On Thursday, November 8, South Boston’s Society of Arts + Crafts (100 Pier 4 Boulevard, second floor) held its Opening Reception for “Adorning Boston and Beyond” and “Our Cups Runneth Over”.  These are cleverly combined exhibitions of both jewelry and cups, which are on view until February 17, 2019.  Admission is free; don’t miss it.   by Rick Winterson   The Society of Arts + Crafts is sited in the middle of South Boston’s Seaport District, at the corner of Seaport and 100 Pier 4 Boulevards.  The Society is on the second floor, just a short walk across Seaport Green from District Hall and the Courthouse Silver Line Station.  It is really a fine place to visit, combining (as it does) an [...]

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