About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
20 07, 2016

They Love to Sail

2016-07-20T14:51:47-04:00July 20th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on They Love to Sail

They are having fun this summer as members of the Harry McDonough Sailing program which is located on Castle Island. They’re learning how to sail and are happily cooling off in the ocean waters of the Lagoon. They’re enjoying themselves but also have to behave responsibly and listen attentively to the program supervisors (whom they all like) when they explain water-safety precautions. The three boys enjoying life at Castle Island sailing and splashing around are, Jackie Murphy, Mike Whalen, and Corey Legere. Jackie Murphy, 12, is the son of Maurice and Jean Murphy. He has three sister sisters, Emma, Ally, and Ciara. He loves his family pets, a cat named Arthur and a dog named Max. Jackie will be in the sixth grade this September [...]

20 07, 2016

Teen Beach Party Fun

2016-07-20T14:47:14-04:00July 20th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Teen Beach Party Fun

   The Condon Community Center joined forces with the Curley Community Center on Wednesday, July 13, in a party sponsored by the Boston Centers for Youth and Families (the BCYF).  It was a young peoples’ blast, with a DJ, water fun, beach games, a balloon man, and of course, a lot of hot dogs and hamburgers. What would a teen party be without a balloon man – he was a clever guy! Doing the Limbo at the teen party on the Curley Center’s beach. Calling out lucky numbers with the teen party hostess and the DJ. And of course there was fun in South Boston’s squeaky clean water. Hot dogs and hamburgers galore at the teen [...]

20 07, 2016

SPOTLIGHT: Dawnmarie Salmons, Boys & Girls Club Music Director

2016-07-20T14:43:49-04:00July 20th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured|Tags: |Comments Off on SPOTLIGHT: Dawnmarie Salmons, Boys & Girls Club Music Director

   You perhaps saw the recent “Music Parade”, which played and marched on Friday, July 15, from the Boys & Girls Clubhouse on Sixth Street down West Broadway to the Boston Police Department’s Station C-6.  It was quite an event – the creation of Dawnmarie Salmons, the Music Director at South Boston’s Boys & Girls Club.  The event was evidence of Dawnmarie’s love of music and her ability to think “outside the box”. Dawnmarie is a local young lady.  She was brought up in the Clam Point neighborhood of Dorchester and went to the Boston Arts Academy.  Her first key encounter with music took place at an early age; it was both memorable and transformative.  Dawnmarie was in the fourth grade when a high school [...]

20 07, 2016

Annual Trip to Water Country

2016-07-20T14:41:46-04:00July 20th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Tags: |Comments Off on Annual Trip to Water Country

On Saturday July 16th Bob Juliano a board member of the Old Colony tenants Association hosted his fifth annual trip to Water Country in Portsmouth New Hampshire. the trip is for the community which is predominantly low-income families. Bob says today's trip wouldn't be possible if it weren't for Bill Mcgonagle of BHA and Beacon communities who donated money to rent the bus buses out for the day, he'd also like to think the spot for donating t-shirts for the bus monitors, Bob would like to especially thank his family who took time out of their day to help flyer and sign up families for the trip, this year Bob had about 170 members from the community attend his trip. With the weather up in [...]

20 07, 2016

Eastern Bank’s Generous Support

2016-07-20T14:23:30-04:00July 20th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured|Tags: |Comments Off on Eastern Bank’s Generous Support

Michele Hart, Manager of South Boston's Eastern Bank Branch at 470 West Broadway, presents checks for $10,000 to both John McGahan, President of the Gavin Foundation, and Bob Monahan, Executive Director of Julie's Family Learning Program.  South Boston is grateful for Eastern Bank's very generous community support.

20 07, 2016

Collins Votes for Equal Pay

2016-07-20T14:20:21-04:00July 20th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Collins Votes for Equal Pay

  State Representative Nick Collins (D-South Boston) joined his colleagues in the House of Representatives in passing legislation to ensure that men and women receive equitable compensation for comparable work. The bill prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in the payment of wages for comparable work unless the variation is based upon a mitigating factor including seniority (provided that paternal, family, and medical leave don’t reduce seniority); a system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production, sales, or revenue; education, training or experience.   “I am proud to have been a part of this landmark legislation” said Rep. Collins. “There is no reason why my any woman should be paid less for equal work. It is about time we set clear guidelines [...]

14 07, 2016

Eastern Bank Supports Southie

2016-07-14T12:27:36-04:00July 14th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Eastern Bank Supports Southie

Tuesday morning, July 12, Eastern Bank (located at 470 West Broadway) rendered some very substantial support to the South Boston community. Shown in front of the bank are South Boston’s Eastern Bank Branch Manager Michele Hart and Eastern Bank Vice President Bob Foy (l.).  They are presenting a $10,000 check to the Laboure Center at D and West Broadway.   Receiving this check are recently-appointed Laboure Executive Director Jake Bombard and Sr. Maryadele Robinson, who is starting up Laboure’s “Recovery Connections Program”, modeled upon the efforts of the still-mourned Jack Leary. That same day, both John McGahan, President of the Gavin Foundation, and Bob Monahan, Executive Director of Julie’s Family Learning Program, also each received $10,000 checks from Eastern Bank to support their much-valued programs. South [...]

14 07, 2016

South Boston at Its Best

2016-07-14T12:27:20-04:00July 14th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on South Boston at Its Best

by Rick Winterson   There’s little or no question that South Boston is an extremely desirable neighborhood to live in.  We have become America’s urban hometown.  What makes South Boston so special?  Perhaps taking a look at the recently completed month of June will help answer that question. June, 2106, was (as always) sandwiched between late May, which featured events like the opening of the Lawn on D and the solemnities of Memorial Day itself, and the weekend of the Fourth of July, when the Esplanade festivities took place and the Queen Mary 2 docked at Black Falcon.  Well, this is a marvelous framework for any month, but it is not the month of June itself. So, South Boston Online will confine our comments to [...]

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